A new eel.


New member
I picked up this white eye moray a few weeks ago, but he's just now out of QT so here's some pics i thought i would share.


He acctually does really well with the other fish!! wich are mated pair of percs, domino damsel, blue stripe goby, rainfords goby, and a yellow watchman goby. He did eat my cleaner shrimp though :( o'well i should have know that one was comming.
well white eye morays aren't fish eaters though. I used to have a snowflake and goldentail, in my larger tank, with all those fish and more gobies than that. So i've had good experiences with morays and small fish.
he's in a 46g BF ...

he eats a mostly krill,octopus, and squid
occassionally i'll feed him silversides, fresh peel and eat shrimp, brine shrimp cubes....he'll really eat just about whatever
Godoftheseas- he's in a 46BF now. They are only supposed to get around 20" so i would say a 55 would be fine
Nice eel! I have a snowflake moray in my 75 gal. Hes my 2nd one the first one i had jumped out and didnt make it. Make sure you keep an eye on him and screen off any openings. Mine is real good with all my fish. Havent had any problems as of yet!