A Nightmare Is Unfolding In the Great Barrier Reef

Do you disagree that the BBC is not biased?

I am pretty convinced that any bias, along with embellishment, misrepresentation and general fluffing, is the domain of US news. :)

Beyond that, its still a significant bleaching event and a real shame.
What's next the moon landing was a hoax ? I was wrong it's 97% of the scientific community, unless NASA is full of shite too. Guess ur not on board lol
My views on this subject have evolved over the years and will probably change again. That said, here's what I believe and we can make a correlation to our tanks.

I believe the world is naturally going through a warming cycle. History shows this to be true. I also believe we aren't contributing much in terms of temperature change; however, we are having a great impact on CO2 and ocean acidification. I believe we are irresponsible with polluting the ocean with waste and agricultural runoff and we're careless with where we put ports and shipping lanes.

So, what do we know about our tanks? We know our inhabitants can survive pretty large temperature swings and even sustained extreme temperatures for a short time. We know our inhabitants can survive a low ph environment. Hell, we all suffer from tank acidification in our homes. We also know our inhabitants can survive slightly dirty/polluted water. However, we know if we start mixing more than one of these issues it's lights out for our inhabitants.

Now, compare what we know with what's happening in the world. I'd bet any one of those single issues would not impact the reefs too much. Yet, that's not what's happening. They are being hit on all fronts. High temperatures, lower ph and pollution. It's just too much and overwhelming the reefs.

It's my belief there's one area we can have a very quick impact on saving the reefs and that is pollution. If we can stop the pollution now, this will help remove one of the dominos in the line and buy us time to get our CO2 emissions under control through smarter choices and better technology without hurting humans.

That has always been my problem with our current government's approach. They don't care about pollution, they want to hurt humans by taxing carbon emissions to reduce CO2 output. It's not right and no one is going to stand for it. The plan will never happen.

I will also add we have a very big problem with corporate capitalism that does not care one bit about the environment, instead they only answer to shareholders. This form of capitalism is killing the Earth and needs to change. Next time you're at a store, just look at all the stupid mundane, useless products that are being produced and will likely end up in a landfill in short time. It's just nuts.

Here's a good article on the subject from Forbes.
It's probably the radiation form Japan doing the damage. Maybe the corals that survive will mutate and look like some of the pictures we see online.
Natural heat cycles have never moved this quick, ice core samples and geology shows this, but pollution is also part of the puzzle. To discredit one issue because of the other issues would be silly. The energy and transport sectors are always a focus be we never talk much about agriculture being the biggest contributor to global warming.

We pick one issue and stick our heads in the sand for others, ultimately we never change if something impedes on our greed. Population levels can't keep growing, why is this never mentioned, cause it hits close to our hearts of family and belonging. It's a right to have a huge family, even if it means that same family will suffer in future generations.

It's a party and the corks off the bottle, it's gunna be one hell of a hangover. Trouble is, it's our neighbours paying the price first.
I believe the world is naturally going through a warming cycle. History shows this to be true. I also believe we aren't contributing much in terms of temperature change; however, we are having a great impact on CO2 and ocean acidification.

I think there is a bit of a contradiction in what you are saying. True, the earth has warming and cooling periods we can see that through geological proof. It is also true that ocean acidification from excess CO2 is occurring and adding to the imbalance but it is contradictory to say we are not contributing much in terms of temperature change. CO2 is a greenhouse gas which reflects heat back into the atmosphere. The ocean does not absorb all the excess CO2 we produce, the remainder sits in our atmosphere. That CO2, along with other greenhouse gasses we produce, accelerate the warming cycle. What should take thousands of years, is taking just a few hundred.