New member
Hello everyone!
sorry if my english sucks
I'm an Italian boy and I'm writing here because the advice of friends and people who like my tank.
I have a nanoreef that measures 30x30x35 (20 liters) in use since January 2009.
In the past I have collected zoathids and Ricordea, for that reason my friends have always said that my tank reminded the 'American style'.
Last year, I had many problems with the Zoanthus (zoa pox, nudibranchs, necrosis) and I'm replacing the Zoanthus with acans
Probably because of the LED and tridacna crocea (a large filter feeder in a small place), I have always had a thank with high oxidation, so I must to feed the corals very often (although I have 3 fish in a few liters) or soft living in difficulty as opposed to the SPS living very well and have never had a problem.
60 watts of LED cool white (10,000 K)
6 watt LED warm white (3,000 K)
3 watt LED red (612 nm)
30 watt LED royal blue (450 nm)
15 watt blue LED (470 nm)
photoperiod of 15 hours
change 4 liters of water weekly using salt Deepblue.
daily supplement of buffer (Ca, Mg, KH) with automatic dosing pump.
Every day I feed corals alternately with:
- Liquid mash obtained with water, Calanus (reef snow), vitamins and reefbooster.
- Reef snow (Brightwell)
- fresh beer yeast
acropora grandis
acropora microphthalma
acropora valida tricolor
montipora samarensis red
montipora stellata green
Stylophora pistillata 'milka'
Stylophora subseriata pink
Seriatopora guttatus purple
duncanopsammia axifuga
Scolymia australis
Acanthastrea lordhowensis (colonies of various colors)
caulastrea echinulata
caulastrea furcata fluorescent yellow
Goniopora sp. green
Goniopora lobata red blu eyes
Tridacna crocea 12 cm
Cypraea annulus and moneta
Turbo sp
Neospongodes sp. violet
Sinularia sp. fluorescent yellow
Gorgonia Pseudopterogorgia sp.
Gorgonia Isis Hippuris
Briareum sp. hawayano
Actinodiscus sp. (colonies of various colors)
Ricordea florida (colonies of various colors)
Ricordea yuma bicolor
Zoanthus sp. (colonies of various colors)
Palythoa sp. fluorescent green
Protopalythoa grandis
Sansibia blue
Sympodium sp.
Botryllus sp.
Couple of Amphiprion ocellaris classic and 'black'
Pseudocheilinus hexantenia

sorry if my english sucks

I'm an Italian boy and I'm writing here because the advice of friends and people who like my tank.
I have a nanoreef that measures 30x30x35 (20 liters) in use since January 2009.
In the past I have collected zoathids and Ricordea, for that reason my friends have always said that my tank reminded the 'American style'.
Last year, I had many problems with the Zoanthus (zoa pox, nudibranchs, necrosis) and I'm replacing the Zoanthus with acans

Probably because of the LED and tridacna crocea (a large filter feeder in a small place), I have always had a thank with high oxidation, so I must to feed the corals very often (although I have 3 fish in a few liters) or soft living in difficulty as opposed to the SPS living very well and have never had a problem.
60 watts of LED cool white (10,000 K)
6 watt LED warm white (3,000 K)
3 watt LED red (612 nm)
30 watt LED royal blue (450 nm)
15 watt blue LED (470 nm)
photoperiod of 15 hours
change 4 liters of water weekly using salt Deepblue.
daily supplement of buffer (Ca, Mg, KH) with automatic dosing pump.
Every day I feed corals alternately with:
- Liquid mash obtained with water, Calanus (reef snow), vitamins and reefbooster.
- Reef snow (Brightwell)
- fresh beer yeast
acropora grandis
acropora microphthalma
acropora valida tricolor
montipora samarensis red
montipora stellata green
Stylophora pistillata 'milka'
Stylophora subseriata pink
Seriatopora guttatus purple
duncanopsammia axifuga
Scolymia australis
Acanthastrea lordhowensis (colonies of various colors)
caulastrea echinulata
caulastrea furcata fluorescent yellow
Goniopora sp. green
Goniopora lobata red blu eyes
Tridacna crocea 12 cm
Cypraea annulus and moneta
Turbo sp
Neospongodes sp. violet
Sinularia sp. fluorescent yellow
Gorgonia Pseudopterogorgia sp.
Gorgonia Isis Hippuris
Briareum sp. hawayano
Actinodiscus sp. (colonies of various colors)
Ricordea florida (colonies of various colors)
Ricordea yuma bicolor
Zoanthus sp. (colonies of various colors)
Palythoa sp. fluorescent green
Protopalythoa grandis
Sansibia blue
Sympodium sp.
Botryllus sp.
Couple of Amphiprion ocellaris classic and 'black'
Pseudocheilinus hexantenia