A POLL - Would you consider it to be rude to ask someone to ...

A POLL - Would you consider it to be rude to ask someone to ...

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I think everyone is at liberty to choose to reply or not :)

I haven't voted but my guess on why people would think it's rude is simply because if someone asks a question, any answer that isn't directly helpful can be perceived as arrogant and rude. Let's face it, people use the internet to feel high and mighty... especially on internet forums... If a question that can simply be answered in a few words is answered with a "use the search!" instead, it's obviously because the poster would rather be on his high horse than actually give any help.

Like someone said above, if they don't like it, there's a back arrow... use it. Move on. No need to be an *** about it. And yes, most people who "suggest" a search or google do say it in a manner that can only be perceived as short, rude, and uncalled for. What's the point in saying it? Just back up, and move on. But we can't change people. Just as you can't change that some people can't use the search function... well... some people can't be more understanding. Not everyone spends 24 hours a day on the computer and is a forum geek you know...

I agree 100%, I chose not to vote or reply to this thread until I read your reply, There is always that option to not reply to someones thread, if you feel like answering someones "Same ol' question" then do so, if you don't feel like it and get miffed when the same question is asked by all the new people, then you have the option to ignore those threads, I do...why is it so hard not to reply? Why do people feel compelled to answer with the "Search Option Reply"...if you don't feel like answering the stupid redundant questions, then don't.... let someone else who might be in a good mood and willing to answer do it....Not a big deal..

I agree 100% with the above to replies...IN any hobby there are new people, who wish to gain knowledge from more expereinced people, I don't care for the elitist attitude at all, There has been many times where I have tried to "Google" for answers and couldn't find any, so I asked on a forum...And if I recall, the last time I was on this forum, the Search option was no longer available, due to bandwidth issues or something...it was very difficult to search for anything on this forum, it was easier to just post and ask...

There are many threads I don't reply too, I personally don't feel compeled to HAVE to answer someones post, and I surely have never told someone to search for thier own answers to their questions....in the amount of time it takes to type the phrase, "Why Not Trying Googling it"...you could have probably answered the persons question, with no extra effort or typing, so why not answer the question, no matter how lame/stupid/retarded/boring/redundant you might thing it is...
To me, I just don't see what the big deal is with repeat questions... Redirecting someone to the searches (to me) is like telling someone to go buy a watch when they ask what time it is... If I had a watch, I wouldn't be asking now would I? :smokin:

That is EXACTLY how it seems to me...that same kind of attitude, why would I bother telling you the time, when you can probably find a clock somewhere..find out for yourself...
Ok, let me ask you this. If I ask you a serious question, cause I needed help urgently, that you typed a great 2 paragraph detailed answer to about 10 days ago, and someone logs on and ask that same question and you saw it, what would you do?

1. Would you retype the entire answer.

2. Say or do nothing and defer to someone else to answer it.

3. Go and do the search yourself and come back and give them the link.

4. Or would you simply say, "you know, I answered that question with a good answer 10 days ago. If you do a quick search under my name, you'll see it".

I'm not being smart mouth, I'm seriously asking.

You have three options....

Option 1) If you feel like typing out your lenthy reply again, go right ahead...

Option 2) You can easily go to your reply, which I am guessing you would know what post your replied in, and simply copy and paste with two clicks your lenghty reply and post it in the new one...no typing required, just two clicks of the mouse copies and pastes the whole reply...

Option 3) And this option should seriously be considered...Don't worry about it, don't reply, just skip over it...don't waste your time, let someone else reply to that post...its not going to be the end of the world if you don't reply...is it? You did your part for the hobby by already responding and giving a good lenghty reply to someone else, and I am sure others have read that reply and are willing to pass on that tidbit of information you posted and will reply for you...no worries, why make it to be such a dramatic thing...it happens in every forum, in every hobby...it doesn't matter what hobby it is, the same things happen on those forums...just fight the urge to reply...no big deal.
I think if you approach it carefully you can give some good insight and also get them to do a little self help in one shot. By giving some info and posting a link stating there is a bunch of good stuff here concerning your topic might make them feel a little more welcome and teach them how to use the site at the same time.
I think if you approach it carefully you can give some good insight and also get them to do a little self help in one shot. By giving some info and posting a link stating there is a bunch of good stuff here concerning your topic might make them feel a little more welcome and teach them how to use the site at the same time.

I agree 100%. Great insight.
A link, or several links, to the answer already posted is always good. Kinda lets the op understand that its been answered answered a few times, and almost encourages them to maybe try the search button.
I don't think it's rude to direct people to the search, however, I usually add some personal comments or insight at the same time if suggesting a search or including links to more info elsewhere. IMO, that helps keep my suggestion of searching for oneself from seeming rude or like I'm giving anyone crap for not trying to search before asking.

I will admit that on a forum site as large as RC, I usually avoid clicking on any thread that I think is one of the "dirty dozen" or so questions. I really have no idea if there's truly a "dirty dozen" of reef questions, I just categorize the seemingly ever common, always asked questions as such in my mind. On smaller sites, where I would not expect there to be as much useful info to find in a search, I will post whatever help I can. I hope that doesn't make me a bad hobbyist...


Many questions asked on here by new people are relativly very simple. Im for helping out the new people on here, but it gets very tiring answering the same questions over... and over. Google works wonders people!
Im for helping out the new people on here, but it gets very tiring answering the same questions over... and over.

My Question is....Why do you feel the need to answer the "Same Questions over and over"?

Why can't you just ignore them and let someone else answer it?....Or are you saying you would rather have a forum that was more on "Your Level" of expertice? That your tired of the newbies questions, and would rather have a forum that catered to more experienced people?

See, I see many questions posted, from young/old, new/expereinced, and guess what, I don't feel the need to respond to all of them...When I do get the urge to post, its cause I want too...

I just don't get why people have this elitist attitude and why they can't seem to ignore posts they don't want to reply too...its really easy guys...it really is..just don't reply...that simple....let someone who might want to reply....reply...simple...right?
My Question is....Why do you feel the need to answer the "Same Questions over and over"?

Why can't you just ignore them and let someone else answer it?....Or are you saying you would rather have a forum that was more on "Your Level" of expertice? That your tired of the newbies questions, and would rather have a forum that catered to more experienced people?

See, I see many questions posted, from young/old, new/expereinced, and guess what, I don't feel the need to respond to all of them...When I do get the urge to post, its cause I want too...

I just don't get why people have this elitist attitude and why they can't seem to ignore posts they don't want to reply too...its really easy guys...it really is..just don't reply...that simple....let someone who might want to reply....reply...simple...right?

I guess I can answer for myself and some of the people I know here who love helping out as well. Me personally, I don't feel the need to answer the "same question over and over again" and I'm not arrogant, cocky or elitist. This is a community site, for everyone. I do feel the need to try to help and get as many people involved as I can.The bigger problem is far more people look than the smaller percentage who reply. I don't feel compelled to answer every question either, even if I do know the answers. Unless it's urgent, I will defer as I want others to get involved as well. When I see a post laying dormant with no replies, sometimes I will answer it and sometimes I will bump it for someone else to answer it. If it is a critical question requiring urgent help, I will answer those questions quickly if I know the answer.

A lot of people are very carefully in not coming across as a know it all and just want to see and get others involved, I know I do. If everyone ignored some of the questions that are repeat post on a daily basis, as you eluded to above, there would be very little traffic here. I don't think anyone is tired of newbie questions at all, I know that I'm not, but if the answer is just one page away, I don't feel there is anything wrong with saying, "There was a question just like yours ask on yesterday and there were some outstanding answers on page 2, you should check it out if you have a moment. I hope this helps, good luck". What's wrong with that? Nothing in my opinion, it's just important to be polite and kind. This is no different than the many times I have replied to ID request made here in the discussion forum. Many reefer just weren't aware of the ID sub forum up top. So I just give them a quick reminder that the mods frown on ID request in this forum and if they check out the ID sub forum, they will get a swift answer. That's not elitist, that's providing assistance to a question on a topic which I don't even agree on, but I help them out every time.


If someone ask a question and it has been answered many times, and no, this will never go away, and that's to be expected and that is fine. This is what the site is for. But if someone replies and says, "Great question, there are a ton of great replies to this question if you click on the search option to your right, and type in **** ***** it will give you a very detailed answer to this question, good luck". I see absolutely nothing wrong with that. You can even add a quick line of thought on your own to those replies.

If they are still unclear on an answer, then they can come back to the forum and do a follow up. To me, that's engaging the OP and getting them involved which has a many fold benefit.

While I defend everyone's right to their own opinion, for the life of me I can't see where that is elitist. The mere fact that someone redirects means they aren't elitist and are trying to help. You said, ignore posts that you don't want to reply too, that is the most expeditious way to kill any forum. It's already happening in many other forums on the net, I've checked.

The key is not being rude people if you redirect someone. Please don't say or us these replies...

1. Go Google it
2. Use the Search
3. That question is ask and answered everyday, use the search first.

Because it will come off as "SMART MOUTH" and you will quickly run that reefer away for good.
That is blatant and outright rude I think as some don't even know the search option exist. Rephrase the reply to make it polite.

Lets just try to help when we can, we want to attract people and not run them away and a redirect, if done politely is what I'm going to do when it is appropriate. If we disagree, there is nothing wrong with that and I respect your views and opinions as well.

Mucho Reef
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My Question is....Why do you feel the need to answer the "Same Questions over and over"?

Why can't you just ignore them and let someone else answer it?....Or are you saying you would rather have a forum that was more on "Your Level" of expertice? That your tired of the newbies questions, and would rather have a forum that catered to more experienced people?

See, I see many questions posted, from young/old, new/expereinced, and guess what, I don't feel the need to respond to all of them...When I do get the urge to post, its cause I want too...

I just don't get why people have this elitist attitude and why they can't seem to ignore posts they don't want to reply too...its really easy guys...it really is..just don't reply...that simple....let someone who might want to reply....reply...simple...right?

What do you mean by your level? I am by no reason an expert of any sort, i like to help and is why i answer the questions that i can. Im simply trying to say many repeted questions can be solved by a quick search is all. But if it cant be helped i would much rather sound like an "elitist" on this page than simply ignore others seeking help on the rest of the forum.

such sensative people sheesh
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You said, ignore posts that you don't want to reply too, that is the most expeditious way to kill any forum. It's already happening in many other forums on the net, I've checked.

Mucho Reef

I am telling people who get miffed/irritated/annoyed at newbie posts or what they consider "The same ol' questions" to do just that, ignore them...There are over 240,000 members of this site, with over 6,000 members active right now, Just becuase you and a few others feel the repetitiveness of some questions annoying, doesn't mean EVERYONE does, someone will answer the question, it doesn't have to be you...Let someone else answer it...it will eventually get answered, or the person will find it on thier own if it doesn't get answered right away...

The forum is not going to crumble if you don't "redirect" someone to search for the answers for the selves, if anything the forum would grow with the more expereinces that are shared and asked about, everybodies tank setups are different, so not every "Same ol' Question" is going to be exactly the same, thats whats great about a forum, is reading about other peoples expereinces, and when people post a question, they are looking for interaction with other people that have had maybe simular expereinces, thats what a forum is, its not just a place to search for info, its interactive, and I am perplexed that some questions would annoy people to the point of feeling they need to ask the poster to search for answers themselves rather than either not posting a reply or going ahead and answering the question...

But if it cant be helped i would much rather sound like an "elitist" on this page than simply ignore others seeking help on the rest of the forum.

such sensative people sheesh

Im not sensitive, just providing what seems to me as a logical solution for those who feel irritated about the "Same Ol' Questions".....I guess some people just can't help but post no matter what....There are many threads where the question has been answered already or that when I ignore it and check back say the next day or even later that day, to see if it got answered.....guess what it did...no worries...simple..

Or I might feel like adding my .02 cents worth to a thread that has already been answered, that is usually the case, I might read a thread that has maybe a simular expereince, or is asking for my opinion, and if I feel in the mood, I will reply with my expereience or opinion...for example this thread...I waited to post my opinions...the thread didn't fall to the bottom, or go unanswered...just becuase I didn't reply right away....

People will do what they want to do, I was just trying to provide my opinion, one that I thought sounded like a logical solution to those 53 people that actually voted No...No worries, if anything, to me those 53 people are the sensitive ones, cause I sure dont get my feather fuffled from the "Same ol' Questions"....

Screw it...you guys might want to do a search to get this information....


Hello Reefsafari, go back to any post I have made here or anywhere in this forum and tell me where I said what you just said.

"Just becuase you and a few others feel the repetitiveness of some questions annoying, doesn't mean EVERYONE does"

I never ever once said those repetitive questions were "annoying". Repeat question DO NOT ANNOY ME. Again, you're right, not every question is the same. Compare apples to apples and orange to orange. I will do as I've done, as I've stated above regarding ID's. I will kindly redirect them to the ID forum to assist them with get the answer they need. If a question is ask and there is a perfectly good answer or better answer that I can get them to that's already posted, I will redirect them to that thread, link, search option or answer it myself.

You're right, the thread isn't going to crumble, but if I want to help by answering, redirect, providing a link, that's on me personally and that's what I have chosen to politely and kindly do. I respect your right to disagree. This is a poll to extract other opinions and of course we never all agree.

By the way, if the question is of an urgent nature, I am going to answer it or direct them to the answer. I'm not going to just let that sit till someone else gets to it.

Mucho Reef
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I dont think it is rude, may actually be MORE helpfull, since there may be a long thread with a lot of info in it, that they can go through. the search engine is not hard to use and also when people give the links there should be no excuse for laziness.
The other thing that I see lazy is the ID area's... the title "ID this" for the caption is lazy..give a color or something in the title (ie: for zoa's green skirt, orange then blue inside) helps the people ID'ing the object AND lessens the duplicates!
I agree Angyl. If someone searches they can sometimes find the answer and if the previous thread had numerous helpful replies it will only benefit the person with the question. Some of those responses may be from people that are not even here anymore. If the person has a question on that thread that wasn't addressed they can ask a new question. I actually think the folks on here are tame when compared to the comments posted in reply to the "same old question" on other sites (etc cars, guns, etc).

mucho--I think you are a very mucho elitist...disgusts me haha im just kidding. :beer:
It's not rude if it is done with some tact.

That being said isn't the point of this site to have a discussion. Every single question has and answer somewhere. Should we just archieve the entire site and not allow questions becuase they have already been asked?