A Reef In The Sky
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The journey ahead should be fun and I look forward to making your reading enjoyable"
Welcome aboard... Please Fasten your seat-belt, make sure your seat is in the upright position and tray table stowed.
The journey ahead should be fun and I look forward to making your reading enjoyable"
Firstly, is it possible to create a beautiful 'Reef in the Sky' similar to this beautiful sunrise??
Not sure... but I will try.
My name is Andrew and I have been fascinated by aquatic life for many years but have never had the chance to own a reef tank until 2008. I have only been in the hobby just over 1.5 years so there is still a lot to learn but I am looking forward to the challenge(s). My current tank is a Red Sea Max (RSM) 34 Gallon which some of you may have heard of or seen. It is a great tank for a beginner but as predicted... I have caught the bug and want to upgrade.
All corals are amazing however I have taken a fascination to SPS corals. I came across Zeovit and the concept around 18 months ago and would like to try it. My goals are to have a mainly dominated SPS reef with some marine fish. Besides the contents inside the aquarium I am trying to design a stylish & modern setup which compliments my apartment. Can all this be done up in the sky? Stay on board and time will tell :thumbsup:
Current Tank
This is my current tank and the space that I have to work with.
Looking forward to sharing my experiences and progress with all of you