I have read most this thread but not all, anyway not a both.
I can confirm that they are toxic/ produce toxins. yesterday I returned from the shop with a small Zoa, I used gloves and glasses to frag the zoa in half by snapping it, washed it and placed one bit in each of my tanks. Removed gloves carefully and wash everything anyway. All was well until...about an hour later when while setting the dinner table in the same room as the tank I noticed a brown splash up the wall, I thought what the hell is that?? Now i have a son who really likes his soya sauce and has been know to flick it every where, well needless to say he was questioned and to settle it I tasted the liquid on the wall not once but twice just to be sure. Anyway as suspected it tasted like soya sauce and the lad got the blame. The wife then pointed out that nobody had had soya sauce in the last week?? Then it clicked...**** the zoa's had squirt up the wall and I'd just tasted it ****... started washing mouth out under a running tap but still within minutes My tongue went numb and then tingling, started the feel hot, legs and arms started to feel odd etc, i just dialled 999 for help, told them what I had done with correct id etc, within minutes the ambalance was there whisking me off to the local hospital with a 150+ pulse, 160/90 blood pressure and a rised temp, they checked with the posion unit etc and said that it was a good job it had been on the wall for a while as it would have lost alot of it strength during that time.
All i can tell you is that it was a hell of a trip and not to be repeated. Back home now a feeling fine
Cheers DoR