A warning about toxicity. A MUST read.

I am going to have to side with the skeptics on this issue.

I first got into the reef keeping hobby a few years back when I was working at a LFS. Part of my responsibilities while working there was to take the live rock that had arrived in the morning (the 50lb. cardboard boxes of rock) and place it in our live rock holding tank to be sold. This would mean innumerable cuts on my hands from jagged edges and dead corals. Our corals would usually come in on the same day and I would put those away in our huge reef tank as well.

Now being that the Zoo's we had were imported they would most likely have built up a fairly high concentration of palytoxin in the bags where they had remained for several days. Because we didn't mix our water with that of incoming corals; I poured the water from the bag over my hands and then placed the coral (being held in my hand) in the aquarium. I didn't always get the chance to wash my hands after handling the zoo's before helping a customer that would walk through the door.

The palytoxin is suppose to cause constriction of the myocardia in a sudden and violent fashion (with constriction on the arteries as well I am sure) if a toxic dosage is achieved. With that said, my heart muscles should have clamped up tighter than Enron in a congressional hearing a long time ago.

The palytoxin may be there, but the consintration levels have to be EXTREMELY weak. I am talking a several ten-thousanths of what it takes to acheive toxicity in the human body. The toxin of the zoo's may be the most lethal known to man but it doesn't mean squat if the concentration is extremely low. Dogs use their mouths for everything and there are any number of toxins that he could have come into contact with (antifreeze, poop, insectacides, etc.).

P.S.- If you ever wonder what it feels like to have extreme myalgia from toxins in an aquatic friend, you should try a being stung by a Billroute (freshwater relative of the Stonefish, also from Australia). I was stung in the middle knuckle of my middle finger and within ten minutes I was in the worst pain of my life (and I have broken several bones). My left arm had swollen to twice the size of the right one and I seriously thought I was going to die. It made my sting from a pincushion urchin a few weeks earlier feel like a nice back rub. The Billroute that stung me was a baby half the size of my thumb nail.
Los said:
Hold on a second. I think we need a quick Salinity check... er, I mean sanity check.

If these things were anywhere NEARLY that toxic, don't you think a few of us would be dead?
Just a snide comment from the peanut gallery:

If one of us was killed by a zoathid, we wouldn't be posting about it, would we? :D
OK, while I know it's not absolute evidence...

Yesterday, I was at an aquarium store nearby Sacramento. It's a great place, btw, called Aqualife Aquarium. Awesome animals, knowledgeable, good value, etc...

Anyway, the lady who was working there had a toddler splashing his hands in the tank containing various corals, including zoos. I inquired about this, pointing out that kids always stick their hands in their mouths and she laughed. If they were anywhere near that poisonous, that little kid wouldn't be here, since that wasn't the first time he's played in that tank.

Before people get up in arms about a kid sticking his hands in, the lady was right there next to him, watching him carefully, and I'm sure made him wash his hands BEFORE sticking them in the tank. He wasn't making a mess, disturbing the animals, or (on the subject of this post) killing himself.

I think as long as we don't make zoo salad, we're OK. And, when I get a dog, I'll be sure to keep the doors around my sump closed. That being said, I'm not overly worried about any of this. I remain more concerned about me hurting my animals than vice versa.


Just to be on the safe side, everyone here should immediately bag up all of their Zoo's, and ship them to me for safe disposal... ;)
Shoestring Reefer said:
Another link has this to say:

"At least some Palythoa are considered toxic. References normally cite that Palythoa toxica and Palythoa tuberculosa are the two most toxic species. I do not think that these two species are normally found in the hobby."


Hey thanks for the pics. but how can you tell if my zoos are palythoas? i mean what's the difference? as far as i know, one of my zoos is colored like the orange/green ones on that site
I've never had problems w/ swelling after handling the zoos w/ cuts on my hands. Could it be an allergy thing? i know my friend would itch and swell after touching a rose anomone but my fiance wouldn't (i never tried myself.. too scared) and my fiance would swell up very very badly after touching bristle worms (he said it's allergy... who knows)
Well.. These have made me think over in getting frags of zoo's. I am going to a frag swap in Oct. and planned to get some zoo's but i dont think i will now.. Just seems to cautious to have colonies of zoos in your tank. esp cause i have a bunch of cuts and stuff on my hands. Then if I want to have zoos i would be parinoid about wearing gloves when i have my hands in the tank. I am always fraging my xenia. Does anyone know if that carrys any type of toxins that can be harmful. When I cut my xenia or pull a piece off a rock with my bare hands my fingers will tend to have a weird smell after from handling the xenia from its slime coat or tissue. I will always wash off my hands after I touch it. But sometimes I will throw a few pieces away and some might drop on the patio and I have a 10 month old yellow labrador that would probably lick/sniff the xenia.. and if he ate it im sure he would get sick? please correct me if I am wrong.
Thanks for the welcome and if I did add some zoos to my reef should i always where are pair of gloves when working thw the corals esp the zoos? Would regular latex wrist hight gloves w/ maybe a rubberband around the top so no water gets inside the glove? Or would I want the full arm ones?
If I were to get some gloves, then I would get the full arm ones. KMK gives good advice though. Just be careful and wash your hands. We should be doing this anyway whenever we are finished working in the tank.
I think the biggest threat posed by zoos is that they can overtake your rocks, and corals.
Xenia stinks, no doubt, but I have never heard of it being harmful to anything other than your nose!
Try to find the cheap disposable latex kind that don't have the powder on the inside. The local veterinarian should be able to hook you up.
i can't believe the toxin awareness of the zoos has only been exposed recently and no deaths have been reported considering how long reef keeping has existed.

if it weren't for this forums i would still be handling my zoos with my bare hands.

and come to think of it, i would assume that most reef keepers do not use internet forums such as these, so many are unaware of the toxins.

i go to a lfs and i frequently see a customer go in and say to the fishstore clerk, "hey those are pretty neat.. what requirements do they need?" fishstore clerk, "oh they are one of the most hardiest corals.. they will do well just about anywhere in the tank and they also wont kill other corals" customer- "cool ill take it!"

i simply just have to ask.. why hasnt anyone died yet?
Ummmm..... my best guess is that no one had died, because they really aren't that dangerous. But, I think that's what you were getting at.

Los said:
Ummmm..... my best guess is that no one had died, because they really aren't that dangerous. But, I think that's what you were getting at.


yea exactly.. i think people tend to exaggerate about how dangerous zoos really are. although, tests have revealed taht the palytoxin is in fact the most powerful toxin in the world, zoos actually do not seem that dangerous.

zoos are not spiders that can bite you, or a cobra that can spray poison into your eyes and blind you and then follow with a lethal biting attack.

i 'think' that zoos are only secrete their toxins when wounded. so much care should taken during fragging. maybe some tests can prove me wrong. if tests can show that by touching a polyp with my bare hands, toxins will transfer from the coral to my skin, and still leaving a lethal dose, then i would be convinced that zoos are truly the most dangerous species and i really hope these corals are no longer sold without a written warning on each sale.

in the case of that guy's dog dying, chances are his dog probably consumed an entire frag of zoos. i would be guessing anywhere from 6-50+ polyps. and it took the dog ~12 hours to die if i recall correctly. Not exactly sure on the facts, if someone wants to correct me please do.
The Pacific Island native would crush the zoos in a bowl and dip their spears in the jelly. Just a scratch from their spear would kill their opponent. I still handle them without gloves except when fraggin them. How much of that mucus does it take to kill a human? who knows, Also what would happen if someone was poisoned buy a zoo and dies. He frags zoo and 20min later he collapses... He goes to the emergency room and they say his heart stopped, he had a bad heart, or natural causes. they won't check for palytoxins. How many spouses would be able to step up and say Doc check for palytoxins in his system we have a reef tank. well thats my .02