About LFS


New member
After seeing some of the earlier criticism about LFS I wanted to make a few points.

As a customer it's easy to walk in and expect a "Sears" type atmosphere. What I mean by that is standard salespeople with products that are simply "there" for you.

One thing to keep in mind here after having worked for at least 3 different pet stores: "What you order, is rarely what you get as a retailer"!!!

It's easy to criticize a business when your on the other side of the door. Having run my own business (succesfuly) many years ago in a different field, one insight I can give you is that when the door is locked and the register is emptied, the job doesn't stop there. Not only did I work a 40 hour a week job but I also worked another 50+ hours per week at my own store. That is actual hours AT the store. That doesn't include my staying up late at night to recieve deliveries at home, calling in orders or my driving 200+ miles sometimes to meet a customers expectations. Or trying my best to also raise 2 children.
What I'm saying here is that until you've run a business (especially in the pet area), you've got no idea what dissapointments your going to run into trying to meet your customers expectations and then not being able to do so.

Some LFS do need to work on there people skills and others consider there retail pricing (that much I will agree with).

The one thing that you may not have run into yet is the convenience factor. There's been times where I needed a bag of salt to be able to finish off a water change or needed a bulb because I've been working long hours and haven't had a chance to get to a store during regular open hours until that particular day. In those instances they've been a godsend.

I'd be careful about bashing too many of the LFS because you may one day need something from them in an emergency situation. If they all decide to close there doors, then your essentially at the mercy of a 25+ mile drive or more inlcuding a half hour or more in drive time.
Personally, I enjoy taking the trip to ECA or TFP once in a while (especially for large qty purchases). But to be honest, there's nothing like popping into a local store on a whim and seeing what's new or what they got in there latest shipment.

Constructive criticism is good and can be helpful. Simply bashing or labeling a store and then trying to compare it to someplace that's twice the size or does 8x's more business over the Net, is not constructive.

And one aspect that seems to get lost is almost every one of these stores gets into the business for the same reason, their love of the hobby.
Making money is a factor but I would be willing to bet that in most cases, you'll find that almost any business begins with a personal appreciation over the money factor.

Are the LFS here perfect? Nope, not even close, and that's what makes each one of them unique! Each one offers you something different. I'll take unique any day compared to Wal Mart!!!

Imagine yourself running a business where your selling human beings as pets. You can't account for how long they'll live, how well they will behave or even if they will adapt to your enviroment, but reading some of the postings in another section that seems to be what's expected, guaranteed results. Anytime your dealing with something that's living, the one guarantee you have is there are no guarantees.

One thing I definitely do not like on ReefCentral is that anyone can come on here and completely anhialate any LFS they want in print at anytime, yet the merchant is not allowed to defend themselves. Sorry but there's nothing fair about that.

I've had some undesirable dealings with some of the LFS and probably more so because I've seen many come and go over the years. The only way to make them better is to let them know though. You walk out of store "A" ticked off because they had too many dead fish on display. So instead of checking to see why or what the circumstances may have been, you go to your local "wink wink" message board or forum and ream them a new one.
In some cases that might be justified (no particular store mentioned here). But as a hobbyist there is also a little responsibility on our part to give them some feedback if we see something we don't like. I've done it at almost every local store here and gotten positive feedback from most of them and at least and attempt on there part to remedy the situation.
Some stores won't change there habits because (IMO) they're irresponsible. In those instances, I rarely go there or only pop in on very rare occasions. If I don't like how they do business or there collection methods and they're unwilling to change then they don't get my business but I don't group everyone of them into the same category and say they all suck.

Believe me if it were so easy to run a business and especially a pet business, everyone would be doing it. Why do you think more and more dry goods only stores are opening up?
Could it be to avoid the one main factor they don't have control over? A living guarantee.?

I too have hastily criticised some LFS in the past, but after seriously thinking about it I very much appreciate them more after having run a business and seeing how complex it is. Especially if you include the living animal factor.
I think this was an excellent, excellent post with many great points. I cant agree more with you on stores and feedback. Sometimes, they just dont know and if you're very nice and open about your qualms they are practically across-the-board open to hearing your ideas/critiques. I have done this on several occassions concerning plant life in reefs, and giving ID's to macros and other assortments.

The big box stores are usually the biggest offenders I find and thats a whole other can of worms, but they too will heed your "there are so many dead fish" comments.

You have a well reasoned point that, in a pinch, we need our LFSs. They arent perfect, and some of them I go to for different needs, but if my pump fails where else will I turn? I cant drive into Philly (gas$!) or pay shipping for everything, and sometimes its just nice to pop in and see whats new, just like you said.

And the other side is, the LFS is - like it or not - the front line ambassador for the hobby in most cases. People often get interested in fish through either friends or seeing the fish at the pet shop. If the LFSs go, I bet a lot of the interest in the hobby (and the fresh blood, so to speak) will go too. Its hard to remember, but not every fish geek jumps online to chat water and there is probably a large percentage of reefers and other fish heads that have never visited any aquarium message board. :)

Anywho, just wanted to say that I very much liked the post, and think its good for us to remember several of the points you brought up.

I'm with yous guys!!

Good, Bad or indifferent, I still like making my weekly, and monthly cruises of the local , and not so local, LFS's around here. Mostly for personal interest, and curiosity to see what came in. You just never know what you might find in live stock and just have to "rescue it".

Most saltwater livestock, due to the nature of collection and weather and distance is not a continuous supply train of unlimited resources. even walmart buys stuff in season and in limited availability batches. it varies with the season, and weather at the point of origin. since most reef livestock comes from the south pacific, we have to remember that they have just completed the hottest part of the summer season south of the equator, and collecting and especially shipping are impacted by the high temperatures down there now and in route to the USA. not to mention global warming and hurircanes wreaking havoc on the pacific reefs. The dead fish are mostly victims of the long, hot transport system in small, sealed bags to get them to the LFS tanks, where they just may take their last breath before your very eyes.

thats why i feel local hobbyist aquaculture and breeding of whatever corals,fish, critters and macro algea we can reproduce can help the local trade while taking some pressure off the wild reefs. Of course it needs the cooperation of LFS's to buy locally when available. good for the stores, good for hobbyists and good for the environment.

so I think we should all start fragging and breeding fish and critters and use the LFS's as a sort of stock exchange for livestock. everybody gets a piece of the action. in the end, livestock may still cost the same, but everyone could make some extra cash, and the livestock would be less stressed and healthier. I for one make a point of looking for stores that sell locally grown frags and fish. they always do much better adapting to my tanks. and its just great to see what other people are growing.

I feel the true rewards of reefing is not just collecting a lot of specimens and managing to keep them alive, but being able to reproduce them in captivity. that is truely gratifying and rewarding. why, it's almost science.

can anyone breed astrea snails? star fish? tangs? Shrimp? Blue sponges?

if not, then we have some research and work to do....I think its part of the fun.

wds21921 / Samala / KaptKen - couldn't agree with you guys (and gal) more.

This past week I had to get some random supplies (heater, powerhead, algae for my tang, and some of that cool new fortified natural seawater :D ) and I spread it out between the two LFS's closest to me just to make sure that they both get a share of my business and stay open.

I think it's really important for the club to support LFS's - even if we don't totally agree with their practices sometimes ( which is when we can give some *constructive* criticism in a private and sensitive way) - the more we get along and support eachother, the more successfull we will both be in the future.

Like it or not - I don't think many of us would have started saltwater tanks if we had not went into a LFS and saw what was available in the first place :thumbsup:
I fourth that post, wds21921!

Recently, my heater went zzzzzzzzaaaaap (literally). My husband and son bought me a new on just in time for my birthday... at a LFS! Just because their displays may suck at times doesn't mean their heaters don't work! :p

True, True....
It's really sad how many LFS are unwilling to deal with a local club because they have been so horribly bashed in the past, or are afraid of being bashed in the future. This is not beneficial for either side. But it's hard to gain the support back once the damage has been done....
Agreed about winning support back.

One idea I'd like to float here (pardon the pun), why not send out an invite to the LFS and allow them to perhaps attend a meeting?

This is intended in no way to obligate them, or us, to any committments.
It's just a way of bring them into the fold to see what ideas we, or even they might have. As well as what's going on in the marketplace or coming up.
Years ago, Jack from Pet's Emporium attended one of the old clubs meetings when they were held at Christiana Mall. We found out quite a bit about what companies were getting ready to bring products to the market well before anything was even printed.

It's very possible there might be no response at all from any of them but at least making the offer let's them know that they're welcomed.

It could also help to clear up some misconcepcions . The key to it though would be participation wholey from both sides. Also walking in with an open mind and constructive questions.

Everyone of course would still be entitled to there opinon. But I would be wise with it.

If there's going to be any real growth in the club as far as membership, I think it would almost require that at least a few stores be willing participants. To do that, the club would have to make a little extra effort as well in offering the olive branch.

It doesn't benefit anyone to come on here and blast these LFS out of existance. If you don't like what one or more of these stores do, then voice your concerns constructively and see what's happening on there side. You might be surprised to find out there could be some legitimate reasoning going on here.

After serious consideration I think this would be a win-win situation for everyone involved for different reasons.

As it stands now, after some of the recent postings I've been reading, if I were a store owner I'd not want much to do with the club either. That's not good for the growth or the future of the club and it doesn't speak well for the club as a whole. I'm not condeming the club here. I just think people need to remember that when you print something or say something, your acting as a representative of the club whether your a member or not and whether or not you make your affiliation known.

Again everyone is entitled to there own opinon, I just hope that in the future the ideas are thought out before they're hastily typed.

My only goal with these postings is to see some improvements across the board for our hobby. To achieve that we (individually or as a club) have to also take some responsibility here.
I am in favor of inviting owners or other LFS employees to meetings.

Communication and more information is rarely bad taken in context.
This has come a long way from bashing of Dover's "Fish Bowl" a few posts back. I'm glad to see this kind of attitude to the local establishments. If something's wrong, this is the kind of action that can help fix it, and to the benifit of all involved. Hope the bashers are reading this......