I remember seeing Barry say once that he never deals with Pohnpeis. FFExpress has lots of beautiful clams but they're all Pohnpei! Can someone fill me in on this?
I have never had a Pohnpei clam in my holding tanks as my supplier does not carry them. I know that they are beautiful clams and maybe one of these days I might try a few but not in the near future.
Chris - The reason is because the Pohnpei clams are the ones that many of us SUSPECT have been responsible for the clam disease that has wiped out entire tanks of clams. I'm not sure if anyone has proven anything but I personally wouldn't take the chance.
Ask Toptank for more details regarding his specific practices if that is more what your question was geared towards. I didn't mean to speak for his business but the reason stated above is why many of us shy away from Pohnpei clams. They are very beautiful however, as you have seen.
Thank you for elaborating that Squidman. I had something similar happen to some of my established clams when I brought a new one from the LFS, don't know exactly if they were Pohnpei or not other then "tank-raised."
Thats what I was more geared towards but thanks for responding Barry!
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