About to buy briareus


New member
Hey all i'm new here but i've been reading up on everything. My girlfriend is set on geting an octopus for our 150gal. It's fully cycled and only has live rock in it now. The tank used to be a reeftank with 2-250w MH's and a couple T5's and a very strong closed loop.

We were wondering if we could have any starfish in the tank and what kind of cleanup crew if any can we have. Also what fish could also be in the tank.

Also, for substrate i'm planning on using CaribSea Tropic Isle Tahitian Moon Sand http://www.caribsea.com/pages/produc..._aquarium.html

it says it's not Burrower Friendly should this concern me?

I've hunted the forums and searched for the answers but haven't found anything Thanks for your help
I succesfully kept a brittle star with all 3 of my octopuses. The cleanup crew however will consist of just you unfortunately. He/she will actively hunt any crab, snail, or hermit...its their main source of food in the wild. Gastropods are usually off limites, but many of us have stars with our octopuses, and there is no problem. The sand shouldnt be a problem at all, as long as they have plenty of LR to hide. Good luck.