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I've had a JBJ AIO running for about a year now and I honestly have no clue what could be causing any Coral I put in there to die off within a few weeks. With the exception of my green star polyps, 3 Zoas and a Kenya tree that grows like a weed. I have about 6 blastos that are almost gone an have completely receded. I do a 20% water change once a month (started doing this about 2 months ago) since I test my water weekly and there is no significant drop in ALK, Magnesium or Calcium. Also, acclimate all my corals for about an hour and I dip them in Coral rx before introducing them into the tank
All the fish are perfectly fine and none show any signs of stress and all are very active and eat with no problem. I currently have 2 clowns, 1 blue damsel, 1 six line, 1 yellow tang, 1 flame angel and 1 lawnmower Blenny which I feed once every other day.
Tank parameters as of last week are:
Ammonia : 0 (API test kit)
Nitrite : 0 (API test kit)
Nitrate : 0 (API test kit)
Alkalinity : 8.6 (Hanna Checker)
Calcium : 480 (Hanna Checker)
Phosphate : 0 (Hanna Checker)
Magnesium : 1360ppm (Red Sea test kit)
I have a hydra 26 about 10 inches off the surface running the ai prime AB+ schedule reviewed by BRS. Running for 9 hours a day with a 2 hour ramp up.
I have 2 hydor Koralia 750 on either side of the tank controlled with the hydor smart wave controller. The pumps alternate every 30 minutes.
Any help of input would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for taking the time to read through this.
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All the fish are perfectly fine and none show any signs of stress and all are very active and eat with no problem. I currently have 2 clowns, 1 blue damsel, 1 six line, 1 yellow tang, 1 flame angel and 1 lawnmower Blenny which I feed once every other day.
Tank parameters as of last week are:
Ammonia : 0 (API test kit)
Nitrite : 0 (API test kit)
Nitrate : 0 (API test kit)
Alkalinity : 8.6 (Hanna Checker)
Calcium : 480 (Hanna Checker)
Phosphate : 0 (Hanna Checker)
Magnesium : 1360ppm (Red Sea test kit)
I have a hydra 26 about 10 inches off the surface running the ai prime AB+ schedule reviewed by BRS. Running for 9 hours a day with a 2 hour ramp up.
I have 2 hydor Koralia 750 on either side of the tank controlled with the hydor smart wave controller. The pumps alternate every 30 minutes.
Any help of input would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for taking the time to read through this.
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