Absolutely Awful outcome of an ATM (Acrylic Tank Manufacturing) Tank

Np. It's unacceptable that their tank failed on him. All the life, effort, time and money literally down the drain in a matter of minutes. ATM needs to make it right or suffer the PR consequences.
I am sure they will because of the amount of money spent by this client. It is interesting that their warranty on aquariums bigger than 300g is 5 years, the exact age of the tank....that said, from some of the owner's posts it seems ATM gave him different/better terms.
I can only hope they treat him better than I expect them to. They cheated me out of glass tops for a 75 gallon Oceanic tank I bought for my son's school science class. I honestly can't see them being very flexible with this. I hope I am wrong, but the only thing I saw in his write-up was a comment alluding to an "unwritten guarantee". Based on my experience, I am expecting some unwritten amnesia, hope I'm wrong...
I can't imagine how much time and money was spent, that even with an "unwritten guarantee" that they'll replace everything. I would have fell and passed out if I was Peter.
Ouch. I have followed Nineball's build from the beginning. He and Chingchai's (sp?) builds were unbelievable and both their threads are chocked full of great info. They both seem to be really fine folks going by their replies they give to questions about their monster setups.
Both would answer all questions from anyone and spent an inordinate amount of time sharing with everyone.
Not the first failure I have heard of from that manufacturer. I had a friend that had twin 150-ish triangle tanks in his business built by ATM. One day one of the bottom seams let go and flooded his store. I may have the video from CCTV somewhere.
Healing thoughts to Nineball.