AC jr. w/ serial port and internet


Can you connect a AC jr., using the serial port option, to a computer and use aquanotes to control/monitor it over the internet? Thanks.
Just ready on your website that web capability is now available w/ aquaonotes! How difficult is this to setup?
Most don't have too much trouble setting it up. If you get stuck, we are here to help.

...I think we are hosed. I just bought mine a couple weeks ago. If I knew this option was going to be available, I would have waited.
If you purchase the Jr in the last 30 days, and it is in a like new condition, we will allow you to trade in the Jr for one with a serial port. If you would like to do this please give us a call 408-578-3022 or email We will need:

A dated sales receipt/invoice.
Serial number of the ACJR (see selftest).

The cost to exchange is $28.50 plus shipping. You'll have to send you controller in first, and then we'll send back a Jr with the serial option. You must get a RMA #, so please call or email first.

i really wish you guys would have said that this was coming down the pike. i bought mine as part of the RC group buy about 3 months ago. if i'd have know i would have waited.
yeah i also bought mine 3 months ago and if i knew about this option i would have waited as well. that is the way technology is though.
Oh man. I just received mine today. I would love to trade in mine for one with a serial port. The only problem is I already have everything in place and zip tied and gave away all the light strips and timmers so I dont have anyway to connect all my equipment. Can you just send me the new controller with serial port and when I receive it I can just switch controllers and ship mine right away? Maybe you can just charge my card before shipping the controller and then credit me back once you get my contoller? Paypal even?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7141126#post7141126 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by robsmith32
casino, i'd suggest you call them with that question..
I did and Curt took care of me. Its so much nicer to be able to contro the ACjr via the serial cable.