Acans and Leds

Don't feel bad. I have the same problem. I cannot keep any acans. I have had both LEDs and pc for actinic light and no luck. I can grow zoas and sps and lps but not acans. I just gave up lol.
I have a small colony of rainbow acans and they are doing good..rough start but finnaly found there happy place..took 2 months to find it though.. I run the radions
same thing here, couldnt get acans to survive under t5, while micros, blastos and lobos all did fine. Havent tried them under the LEDs, maybe its all in the placement?
I have a beautiful ultra rainbow acan that is doing fantastic under LED's. First started under an AI Nano and now an Ecotech Radion. I think it has to do more with the individual acan vs the LED's. Personally, I only buy ultra acans from fellow reefers who've had them for an "x" amount of time with no signs of morphing. Sure I end up paying a little more $$, but the guarantee that the acan keeps it true color is much higher.
I have terrible luck with acans. Blastos and Lobos are great but acans Recede completely. I have Radions. No idea what the problem is. Maybe this thread will shed some light.
I have about 5 different acans, not one of them is growing. Not one is dying either. All are about 5-6 months old. Everything else is doing great under LED.

I thought there was something wrong with my parameters, thanks for confirming these corals are picky.

They are in my smaller tank, thinking about moving them over to see what happens.
defiantly move them around in order to find there happy place............ I always start at the bottom with a little bit of shade and wait about 2 weeks looking at tentacle extension, color changes, how much the open ect. Then based on how there doing and if anything is irritating them Ill move them around in the tank but very gently. ( acans also go through little periods where there fine and then close up for a time, at least mine do) I also try to see how much flow is hitting them if the polyps look deflated at some ends from flow but like the positioning I put up a small live rock or something to block some of the flow. always try to look around your acans skeleton if you see white around the edges its a sign to move either up or down ( or kill the diamond goby terrorist putting sand all over your rainbow acan!!!!!!!! venting ) and try feeding some coral food with a trusted results. Best of luck guys
Mine are fine under sol LED. Light is 11" AWL, tank is 22" tall and they are little higher than half way down in my tank, off to the side under indirect light.
mine are doing great under 2 different led fixtures. they set about 18 inches down in a 24 deep tank, no direct flow, but still med flow.
My radions are 12" above the tank the Acans are 15" down in the tank..running at 60% on the radions
I'm curious, if you are using Radions with success then what light curve are you using? Would appreciate the percentages on each color, total intensity and amount of time on and off. If you have a copy of your profile, even better.....Please
I have an 18" deep tank and my Radion gem 2 pros are9" above water with peak at 40%. All acans are on the sand and have great color. I have 4 large colonies and 12 different morphs and the rainbow colors are still shining.
One thing I have noticed and also noticed with other fellow reefers is that make sure you guys do not have any asterina stars infesting them. I had a colony that stopped puffing up and found that some flesh was being eaten from the acan. I had asterinas that were eating my acans. I plucked them off and problem solved. I believe that Mike Paletta had the same issue and was loosing acans and they wouldn't puff up and never did well, it seemed the tissue was falling off the skeleton. After he got some harlequin shrimp it fixed his problem. The moment that the shrimp started eating the asterinas, it set off an alarm of some sort to the other stars and they started to crawl up the glass and he started to collect them. He had a ton of them and it was those dark asterinas that are dark gray and are known to munch on corals. Maybe that will help with your issues, it helped me.
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I have an 18" deep tank and my Radion gem 2 pros are9" above water with peak at 40%. All acans are on the sand and have great color. I have 4 large colonies and 12 different morphs and the rainbow colors are still shining.
Appreciate the feed back. Are you running a hundred percent on all colors and are you using a gradual curve up and down for your time? Also how many hours are you running for a complete day cycle?