I wanted to check with this link today to see if you had written about the arrival of your clam that was due to be delivered yesterday to find that a reply that I had made on Monday never was posted, not sure why, but I will reply now to your last question.
With the size of the maxima that you received and the lights that you have, and depending on what kind of lights this clam had been stored under, I really don't see the need to acclimate this clam to your lighting, but that is a decision for you to make. If you can find out what kind of lights this has been stored under that can help you decide. With all the clams I have taken home to my tank, ok I counted this past weekend and I have 16, I have never acclimated them for lighting. Your concern about putting them on rock and them walking off, they might do that any way, I have to go in on occasion and pick clams up that have fallen because of snails knocking them over, but have never lost any because of this. If you have a place that you can place this clam that secures him or surrounds him then I don't think you should have a problem.
As to the food, the only thing I put in my tank is Golden Pearls and other then adjusting Ph, alkalinity and calcium levels when needed, I don't add any thing else. The reason why I don't have a need to do this is because I am changing 20-25 gallons of water each week and this adds supplements to the tank that I don't need to add, if you don't make that kind of water change then you might need to add something like DT's. It is easier to add something on a regular bases then at a latter date if this clam does not get enough nutrition, that again is a decision that you need to make. Remember that what we put in our tanks has to depend on us to help keep them alive! Also don't forget we want pictures of your new clam!
jim norris;
I have refrained from posting pictures of my tank as I don't want to give the impression that I am try to get business with what I have in my own tank. The occasional picture like the one in this link is one thing but doing more, maybe some day.
K. Lee;
See what I mean about the problem of seeing what comes in first, it is a hard burden that I have to put up with on every shipment. I try my best not to take everything home so I have to limit my search to only the unusual and hard to find!