Thank you all for your advice, there is much to digest and learn from here. I am so appreciative of all your help. I think I may well be reacting, or over reacting to each water parameter test.
outssider, I do use calibration fluid, about every other time I take a reading.
I find nitrates and phosphates to be the least stable for me. My tank can go from 0.03 ppm phosphates to 0.0 (Hanna ULR) in about 3 to 5 days without adding any aminos or Neo Phos. I will add a fish, maybe that will help, and incrementally less white on the leds, thanks Reefmutt Matt. To your question, I had a pocillopora do well carbon dosing, not acros, but it was the many months of daily water changes to fight cyano that got me to let go of the Zeo method.