Acro IDs - fuzzy tabler and some "deepwater"


Reefing since '93
I tried the ID forum, but no one seems to go there... *crickets*

Anyone know what this might be? It has a strong tabling growth pattern - those tips are all the same height. I can't seem to find anything similar on AIMS, so I don't ven have a guess on this one.


Polyps in (please excuse the rogue Bubble Algae that is photobombing):

My best ID for this one is maaaybe Acropora speciosa? The growth is much thicker than say A. carduus. It grows fairly horizontally:

Another guess, but I'm more confident with this one being Acropora derawanensis or possibly A. elegans. Very horizontal growth pattern, extremely easy to break, and very fine tips:
I generally avoid the ID forum because i do it like this Mindy......

1st one i don't like at all - putty over it.

2nd isn't much better so might as well chop it off and putty over it since you already have the putty out. :idea:

3rd one i like a lot, looks awesome with the fluoro tips. It's A. jacquelineae ;)


[emoji38] Andrew, funny you mention it...I already pried the first one out of the reef. Just wanted an ID to sell it. I put it in my tank it was blue. Now it's green. Now it goes. :D

The second one I really like. So it's going nowhere.

Third one...Yeah you might be onto something...I'll look at more pics.

Thanks Andrew!