Acro lost have its flesh overnight


New member
Overnight my acro lost its flesh on one side. What could cause this and can I save it? What should I do?

My alk has been swinging a bit and I cant figure out why. It was at 13 and is now around 9.5. All my other sps and LPS are fine

Over the last few days I have been running mostly actinic to bring colors back to my coral after my alk was very high at 16 and took a lot of my color away.

I was able to get from 16dkh to 9.8 doh over about a week, then it jumped up to 13 again some how and over 2 days I got it back to about 9.8. Which I know is a lot of jumping. The initial hit to 16 was because of a doser malfunction, the spike to 13 I'm unsure about. To get it down I used water changes and muriatic acid.

Current parameters: 1.025 sg, ca 440, mg 1300, alk 9.8
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From research Im finding that it may have been caused by a new zoanthids that I added yesterday that were close to this coral. I have moved this coral away from it. Will that help? I dose reef energy everyday to help keep coral healthy too
Zoanthids are quite peaceful corals I doubt the zoas had any affect on the coral. When a rtn happens it's usually because of stress in the environment like swinging parameters or a sudden change in its habitat. Frag what still has tissue on it off and throw the rest away. It will not regain tissue algae will take hold on it before that happens. I would check alkalinity everyday around the same time it helps to get in tune with your tank.
Man thats a pretty big dip in alk. Needless to say very high alk to begin with. My teeth cringe every time i see sps tanks with alk levels over 8.5. The rtn/stn is for sure a alk issue.