acropora sarmentosa


New member
I have an acropora sarmentosa that is doing very well in my tank. It is encrusting very nicely and has great PE. It has a nice light green skin color, but the red/pink tips it had originally haven't come back. Any pointers on how I can enhance the red/pink? I've had the frag since May 2016.

That looks bleached or very pale. What are you nitrate n phosphate levels?

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Yes, it is pale, but not bleached. The poor photo doesn't show its real color, but I would like to darken the green too. I would really like to see the red tips. I've been struggling to bring up my Nitrate & Phosphate (basically both very near zero Salifert and Hanna) with extra feeding and more recently adding KNO3 in small doses.

Any other suggestions?
I have mine at 300ish par. With Pink/purple tips. But green has been fading lately. So I am going to lower mine down to like 250-275 par and see if the green looks better. Hope that helps good luck. They are beautiful when happy.
I keep mine between 300-400 mmol/m2/sec PAR. My nitrates are between 2.5-5 ppm and phosphates are between 0.024-0.046 mg/L. I dose trace elements (Tropic Marin K+ and A-) daily along with KZ sponge power. By the way, I use an ATI Powermodule (8 X 39W) module (3B+ 2C+ ABS Actinic P+).
