Acropora species......any ideas on an ID?


New member
Here is a picture of a Acropora that was emailed to me, from a well known company. They do not know the ID of this coral, just the common name.......which in this case is of no use. I hope it's OK to post this here?
No idea, but I had a small frag of something that looks identical given to me the other day. Seems to grow pretty quick.
Thanks, although it doesn't matter now.......I'm a little ****ed off at Live Aquaria. A friend was going to buy this for me (I would pay back), then we were going to trade a bunch of corals and save on all the shipping charges......that didn't make sense. Point is, LA decided to ship the order then tell her that the coral was damaged and it didn't ship with the rest of the order......what the heck is that. Um, how about asking if you would like to replace it with something else instead? NO, they ship first then inform you......I cannot figure this out. I emailed them, we'll see what they have to say about this idiot move. In general I love LA, but this was an idiot move.