Acros sliming after water change


New member
I've always had a problem with my Acros during water changes.......

My sump is not very big so when I do water changes, I lower the water level of my main tank. Some of the Acros that are located at the top part of the aquarium are exposed to air for no more tha 10 minutes. I even take the precaution of not turning on the lights during this period so when I do the water change, the aquarium is completelly dark.

As soon as the Acros are exposed to air, they start sliming bib time...... specially my green slimmer.

During the slimming process, you can see what I think are zooxanthellae being expel from the coral.

After thios event, the tips of my green slimmer loose color for several days and they look like if they would have been damaged (in the picture you can see that hardly any color is left).

How can I avoid this in the future ?

I do 20% water changes every two or three weeks and that is why I need to lower the water level in the tank.

The rest of the Acros also slime but not as bad as this green slimmer. The other acros don't seem to be afected as this one.
Basicaly the coral is protecting it's outer layer due to the lack of surrounding water, FWIW the coral reacts as if it would be exposed on low tide in the reef. The only way to make sure this won't happen is not exposing the corals to air.
Mine do it, too (esp the slimer), but are always fine afterwards... I wouldn't worry too much. I don't get any discoloration in the tips, though... Do you cycle the water for around 24 hours before doing a change (run a ph with it)?
I do prepare my water at least 48 hours in advance....... and I make sure that my pH, temperature and salinity (with refractometer) are as similar as possible.

As soon as they are exposed to aire, they start sliming so I wouldn't say that it is related to the water and salt that I'm using (Seachem New Reef Formula).

I guess I will have to find a way of doing water changes without exposing them to the air.
The green slimer will slim from the slightest touch of anything. I can do a water change, or move something in tank and touch the slimer and it goes to work slimimng. Nothing to worry about normal and like you said it regains its color in a couple of days.
Exposing acros to a little air durng a water change is not really harmful. Lots of sps are exposed to air and direct sun when the tide is low. No worries.
why not do 10% bi-weekly or whatever the schedule, in order to take less water out of the tank so the corals arent exposed to air, yet still changing the same amount of water over extended periods of time? i would avoid exsposing and stressing the corals, although it may occur in the ocean, your tank is not the ocean. i understand they can handle it, but all that slime is not good for the rest of the livestock in your tank.
Frag it. Either sell the frag or glue it right next to it to make a new stalk. It won't hurt it for 10 minutes. Color loss I'm not sure on because I've never had that on any of my pieces.
I think the best thing to do is what you are already doing, turning off the lights. The light is less dissapated by the water and therefore more intense, causing bleaching.