Acrossota sp?


Premium Member
Just curious if anyone knows for sure the ID of the coral (tentatively) identified by Julian Sprung and J. Charles Delbeek in their book The Reef Aquarium (volume 2) as Acrossota sp.. (I'm thinking of getting a frag of it if possible). Here's the "Distinguishing Characteristics" if that'll help.

"THe polyps look similar to 'brown star polyp' Pachyclavularia (Briareum) violacea because because they have large green, white or yellow centers, but the tentacles are distinctive, being flattened, paddle shape and about 1/16 to 1/8 inch wide. The pinnules are fused. This coral encrusts with creeping stolons like Clavularia instead of sheets as in Briareum."

Any help would be appreciated.

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