Nano as a reference

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maybe the guidelines for a nano should be can a tang live in the there. or can a tang be in the tank without all the RC people telling them to get the fish out. if the tang has room its not a nano if it doesnt have room it is a nano. take that tang police. lol
I agree there has to be another section on these forums for tanks that are larger then nano’s yet smaller then 180 gallons. I started a thread for my 40 breeder in the nano forum then it got moved to the New to the hobby section by a mod, the explanation was it might help new people. I though ok, made a few more post in my thread and got Zero response, eventually I stopped updating it.

What we need is a medium sized tank section for tanks bigger then a nano yet smaller then a 180. Forget the sub nano categories and the AIO section and for the time being just make a medium sized tank section. Everyone who has a tank from a 40 breeder to a 55, 65, 75, 90, 125, and a 150 will then have a place to go and post while the rest of the nano community decides the size limit for nano tanks.

It’s just amazing to me that everyone who has a tank between 30 and 180 gallons are being held hostage by not having a place to post their tank thread over the argument of what size is a true nano tank.

My solution: Just make a medium sized tank section for the 30-180 people and figure out the size of a nano later. The 30-180 people will benefit while still allowing the mod’s and community to set a size limit on what is considered a nano tank.

My .02cents.
I'm lost with the point of this thread, no offence and sorry for that:

1. Revising commonly accepted volume limits for a nano? To create one more version of what is a nano, that in turn will be questioned by somebody, somewhere.

2. Restrict others members participation in Nano Forum? As medium sized tanks and Nano-Cubes, because other members of Nano Forum don't like that.
On forums it is usually up to the forum staff, not members.

I, personally, don't like (don't pay attention to my whining, this is solely for illustration purposes) when Nano Forum became limited mostly to "My new tank assembly" topic, and most of such threads end with diatoms in the tank, not passing 4 months mark. But again, it's up to them, not to me, all I could do - stop coming here and find more informative place (duck and dive!), like Corals forums.

What I would like to see - the topics and solutions, common for nanos or picos, but these threads are rare and buried in "My new tank built-up" kind of thread. But who cares? Every member is entitled to have own opinion.

And reading at Nano Forum, from people, who have them, that nano tanks are less stable is particularly painful (but I bow my head before RC staff).
The challenges are far greater than with larger systems. Water parameters change much quicker in a small environment and disease and parasites can ravish a system before most hobbyist take notice. I've noticed over the years that most attempts fail because of the dedication and knowledge needed fall short to impatience.
(From the first post of the thread).
I have both: large and small tanks, and my humble experience is different. The reasons of failure or abandonment are also quite different from my point of view, but this is a topic for another, separate thread, that, BTW, should include problems AND solutions.

See you! :wavehand:
What about this option? I agree that a tank build forum would be great, but why not then subdivide it?

Although many topics are similar, RC does not try to emulate any other forum; we have a large member base and this topic has been settled. Check out the link Sugar posted one post above yours.

Ed Kruzel
RC Moderator
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