Nano as a reference

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I have already gotten the message that this is not the proper forum for me.

But I still have an opinion that All-in-One tanks are different than having a separate display and sump/refugium that taken together equal the AIO's or the magic number of 30gallons or 20 gallons or whatever.

By the way, the Build thread on other websites is very popular.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14239765#post14239765 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chrishet
Mike Maddox: * According to Julian Sprung, a nano aquarium is "anything under 30 gallons (114 L)."
When I sat and spoke with Julian, he said 20 gallons. He also mentioned numerous running tanks in the that size and smaller, with and without sumps and even a few mason jars with thriving corals sitting in a window for lighting.

Here for our forum we need to decide what's best to honor the title "Nano", but also benefit those keeping them. I can take a 40 breeder and turn it into a TOTM in about a year. Compete amongst 20L's and smaller and you've got a challenge, especially when we discuss mature corals. I see plenty of small tanks with LPS and have to wonder how many here can successfully frag a coral like that? Part of smaller systems is keeping the livestock healthy for a period of years; anyone can throw a small tank together and keep it going and looking decent for a year or a bit more, but without skill and know-how, most of those tanks have changed significantly. GSP has dominated or that favorite Monti has shaded over the majority of anything below it.
my point is, there are no rules, no clear definition, no definitive experts (lots of opinions however! lol) I said, by simply creating a new SIG for folks with tanks from xx to 180 gal you will fill the gap and naturally move folks away...not by force, or by personal opinion as to what a nano is or is-not, or by over moderating...rather in a positive way that creates their own community and a network for those with tanks outside the nano 2 cents...
I have to admit, while I like reading his books and his research... opinions from members in the nano forum matter more to me than Sprung's on nano size in this forum. I won't fight if the decision to limit the official nano size is below what I think, I just hope we don't get left in the dust.

I can take a 40 breeder and turn it into a TOTM in about a year. Compete amongst 20L's and smaller and you've got a challenge, especially when we discuss mature corals.

EdKruzel: I'm surprised I have to say this to a mod, but the above statement is not only bold but just plain cocky. Though it probably doesn't mean much coming from me.. I'm disappointed in you.

chrishet: +1
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14237526#post14237526 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by EdKruzel
The Staff and Mods speak frequently and I can assure you this topic has been hashed over thoroughly.

Let me ask this question to all Nano Forum frequent users: What do you think the "Reef Discussion" area is for? Do you feel you're not welcomed there?

I can assure you there is more activity in that forum than the Nano section. Look at the thread count, Reef = More than 78,000 threads, Nano = Just over 14,000.

If I want to show off my small tank, then yes I hit the Nano forum, but if I really need to look for information I go to the General area. Look at what you have to choose from.


Yes but having TOO much activity in a clumped together section makes it Difficult to continua a conversation, unless your using the links we get in the e-mail to tell us of a reply (which i do now on the nanno section)
Instead of being able to brows the section itself in the forum
I don't think the mods will ever get an answer because apparently it's not possible for a thread to answer a question without traveling down tangents that are beside the point. :)

This is a massive site with huge amounts of content and you're all right in that it's not split in a very "user friendly" way. However, if you don't decide the defining point first, no decision will ever be made - and in that situation the mods will be forced to make the decision themselves.

And with that, I think I'll unsubscribe - my point has been made.

Hope you'll make a decision soon.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14242078#post14242078 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Electrobes
the above statement is not only bold but just plain cocky. Though it probably doesn't mean much coming from me.. I'm disappointed in you.

chrishet: +1

Then it probably won't be the last time; a 40 breeder is large enough and deep (front to back) that with a little care (and I stress little) an artistic eye (I've been diving reefs longer than keeping them) and experience (I have over 25yrs in the hobby) that putting together a tank worthy of TOTM isn't that difficult and probably easier than some of the beautiful monsters we see nearly every month on RK. Our nano's are even easier to fill, however with limited space the maintenance, planning and long term care outweigh those big tanks. With enough money anyone can put together a TOTM be it nano or large; can they keep it going long term? And long term is the goal and defining point of this hobby.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14243350#post14243350 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by EdKruzel
Then it probably won't be the last time; a 40 breeder is large enough and deep (front to back) that with a little care (and I stress little) an artistic eye (I've been diving reefs longer than keeping them) and experience (I have over 25yrs in the hobby) that putting together a tank worthy of TOTM isn't that difficult and probably easier than some of the beautiful monsters we see nearly every month on RK. Our nano's are even easier to fill, however with limited space the maintenance, planning and long term care outweigh those big tanks. With enough money anyone can put together a TOTM be it nano or large; can they keep it going long term? And long term is the goal and defining point of this hobby.

I have to agree. 40 breeders are dimensionally "perfect" for a quick and aesthetically pleasing reef look, especially if you have the money to fill it with. I've seen many 40 breeders being hailed as fantastic set ups but rarely see them up and running a year down the line.
It doesn't look like either of us are going to convince the other of their views and I don't see this conversation going anywhere but a dark path, so with that I am going to take my cue from uniqueid.

Hope whatever gets decided goes over well.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14237526#post14237526 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by EdKruzel
The Staff and Mods speak frequently and I can assure you this topic has been hashed over thoroughly.

Let me ask this question to all Nano Forum frequent users: What do you think the "Reef Discussion" area is for? Do you feel you're not welcomed there?

I can assure you there is more activity in that forum than the Nano section. Look at the thread count, Reef = More than 78,000 threads, Nano = Just over 14,000.

If I want to show off my small tank, then yes I hit the Nano forum, but if I really need to look for information I go to the General area. Look at what you have to choose from.


I don't think you'll find anyone who says they don't feel welcome in the Reef Discussion forum. It's probably the most general forum on RC. That's the problem with telling the in between tanks it's their forum. It's not their forum. It's everyone's forum. I don't know why the mods don't see that. If you want to change the description of the forum and remove the posts that don't belong, I don't think anyone would have a problem with using it. I don't know why you would want to do that, though. It seems like it would be easier on everyone to just create a new forum.

And as far as whether we should even be talking about the forum when there's no volume limit set, I don't think it matters. The questions are tied together. There's no need to wait until there's a definitive answer to one question before even thinking about another.
I don't think you'll find anyone who says they don't feel welcome in the Reef Discussion forum. It's probably the most general forum on RC. That's the problem with telling the in between tanks it's their forum. It's not their forum. It's everyone's forum. I don't know why the mods don't see that. If you want to change the description of the forum and remove the posts that don't belong, I don't think anyone would have a problem with using it. I don't know why you would want to do that, though. It seems like it would be easier on everyone to just create a new forum. And as far as whether we should even be talking about the forum when there's no volume limit set, I don't think it matters. The questions are tied together. There's no need to wait until there's a definitive answer to one question before even thinking about another.

I don't really think that the question should be a gallon limit on who can post but for who can register for NTOTM. any who post with a 55g question that is pertaining to a 55g tank rather than a smaller one would just not get an answer. Yes its annoying for some to see a question like this in a nano forum but who cares they will get the hint when no one answers them. there are so many other avenues to ask questions as EdKruzel has pointed out. Look at local group forums even if you arnt local there are a lot of people that will help you in these forums one example is the Upstate Reef Society forum they have over 10,000 thread and almost as many posts as the chemistry forum. there are wealths of knowledge that inbetweeners can get from a number of different sources. I had never posted in the nano forum when i had a 55g set up and i found wealths of knowledge to get me started and kept running. I just dont see the problem. If it is that you dont have a place to put up your build I would suggest to do it in one of your close reef society forums and if you dont you can always start one up, we started a new forum for the southern tier reef society because we are a ways away from the upstate's gathering place. just a few alternatives that could be explored. or there could be a tank build forum added to the site which would be not such a bad idea either.
the only problem with a "tank build forum" is that a 600gallon setup is going to get alot more attention than a 12gallon nanocube. still, i dont see it as a bad idea.

setting a limit for nano(whatever it may be) and creating a mid-size forum to fill the gap seems like the best solution to me as far as this forum goes.

as for ntotm, looking at the past ntotm winners.... no offense but the bigger tanks in general were more impressive... so u can look at that as they shouldnt be there, or as they are a must.

kinda all a matter of opinion, i really think a poll is the only real way to get anywhere with this.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14246634#post14246634 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefermike1
i really think a poll is the only real way to get anywhere with this.

Uhmmm, check the forum, there's an active poll up until the 7th of February.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14246634#post14246634 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefermike1
the only problem with a "tank build forum" is that a 600gallon setup is going to get alot more attention than a 12gallon nanocube.
Not necessarily. Depends on how interesting the thread is IMO. Pics make a huge difference - Ask Calvin. If his thread in the DIY forum goes a couple of days without pics there' gonna be trouble even if nothing's changed :D My 5.5 gallon build thread has had over 30,000 views.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14246634#post14246634 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefermike1

setting a limit for nano(whatever it may be) and creating a mid-size forum to fill the gap seems like the best solution to me as far as this forum goes.
Agreed - in the special interest heading

I think that there definately needs to be a limit in volume for NTOTM competition - personally I think 20 gallons.

A forum for "tweeners" could have their own TOTM competition.
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I agree with the member build forum dedicated just for tank builds.

In my opinion the majority of threads in the general forum are;
1. "help!"
2. "my tank build"
3. "all other threads"

It's hard to find anything in the general section for some folks, partly because of too many redundant threads.

There should be a "help!" section in my opinion, AND a tank build section (or a mid size tank section added), then "all other threads" will go in this general section as they are now.

This way it would be easier for the varied clientele to find the proper section, and to get the help they are looking for.

My two penneth.
i just find it ironic that we are being told that a 30 could be compared to a 180...over 5x the size....but a 30 or 40 couldn't be compared to a 20. I have a 20 and kinda feel like that might be the "nano" limit...but I also had a 29 for a long vote would be for 30 and under in the a GUIDELINE, not a "go over and you're OUT"....

i never have figured out how to quote on this thing, but one member said something about asking questions about a 55 and that no one would answer so they would learn to move their questions somewhere else.....that would never happen, the RC "community" is a direct result of its members, as grateful as i am for the mods and all they do, they don't make this forum great, we do! That question about a 55 would definitely get answers, people here want to help, that's one of the two main reason you join this community, to help or be helped.

and on a side note, i think all this would go a lot smoother if certain people worked a little harder on their people skills
IDK bout that i have seen some larger tank questions post on this forum and go unanswered and never are alot of other forums for 55g tanks.
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