Acrylic or Plexiglas aquariums which I prefer over glass and all other materials for home-size systems for a few reasons:
Acrylic tanks are tough; some six times stronger than the equivalent thickness of glass. Far more forgiving on less-than-perfect stands or during earthquakes or bumps.
Acrylic is a better thermal insulator. Remember you have to pay to keep the system heated/cooled higher/lower than ambient.
Acrylic is easy to "customize"; it can be drilled, cut, added to with ease. This minimizes salt creep and messy clean-ups.
Acrylic tanks are clearer than glass, which weathers worse.
Acrylic tanks are beautiful with their corners either end-butted or heat bent; they’re gorgeous.
Acrylic tanks are lightweight; much lighter than glass or composites. Moving them is a breeze comparatively.
For all these reasons acrylic tanks hold their resale worth high. Other tanks lose half their value when they leave the store. I have seen acrylics sell for more than they were purchased for, years later.
Yes, acrylic tanks do bow more and will scratch if rubbed or struck with something hard; but so does
glass. And acrylic can be fixed for scratches relatively easily. My advice should be obvious; buy acrylic. My number two choice, a good quality all-glass tank pre-drilled (if wanted) for water egress/ingress.