acrylic rods?

You can use fiberglass rods from lowes or hd. Just cut the reflector off. It will probably be cheaper than acrylic.
i think he is referring to reflectors used to outline driveways and such. So you have a rod, with a reflector on top. Cut the reflector, and you end up with a rod.
i think he is referring to reflectors used to outline driveways and such. So you have a rod, with a reflector on top. Cut the reflector, and you end up with a rod.

That's correct. Or if you don't mind the orange color. They have the orange Fiberglas rods with reflective tape. That's what I used.

You can see it in the pic.

Thanks guys

Help me out, when I go into hd what exactly do I ask for, just ask for fiberglass rods used to outline driveways and they should know what im talking about?