Acrylic sanding advice


Grower of the Small Polyp
Premium Member
I drained my 480 gallon acrylic peninsula this weekend for a reset I am doing. I would like to sand out some scratches on the acrylic. I buffed out some scratches before with Novus 1,2, and 3 but never used sandpaper before. I am seen some videos on YouTube, etc but if anyone has any advice, links, tips, etc then I would love to hear them.

Thanks for the help!

Thank you. I have watched those videos before and purchased the Mighty Magnet scratch removal pads because of them. I haven't had a chance to use them yet. The tank is currently drained and I will be sanding it dry. I am curious to know if there is a different method for dry sanding as opposed to wet sanding the tank.
Does anyone know if I can use an orbital sander or a back-and-forth palm sander instead? I have read mixed reviews that say an orbital sander will cause swirls in the acrylic.
You can use an orbital but just the weight of the sander to do the work. DON'T PUSH ON IT.
Take your time, it's a process.

Ok, that is good to know. I picked up a palm sander and some sheets ranging from 400-15000 grit. I will go to the orbital if that doesn't work out for some reason. I don't have heavy, deep scratches. My worst are urchin bite marks and some minor scratches from using a metal paint scraper for coralline. :rolleyes: I don't use the scraper anymore. I have a Mighty Magnet now and should have had that a long time ago. I have a ton of smaller swirl marks but you can only see those when the tank is empty. What grit would you recommend I start with? I don't want to go to low and make more work for myself if I don't have to. It is what it is, if I do though.