Acrylic thickness on 300g


part time superhero
I am picking up a used 300g for a FOWLR project. The overall tank dimensions are 96"L x 24"W x 30"H. The tank has been up for several years and is in good shape. The only concern I have is the acrylic thickness. Based on what I can remember, it was 1/2" with eurobracing. There was a slight bow to the front.

Should I be concerned? Is there anything I can do to add structural integrity?
I'm no expert, but figure I'll try to help if I can. I looked into buying quite a few acrylic tanks over the last few months, both used and new. From talking to tank makers and acrylic workers, they all seem to say that once you get to that 30" of height, you need 3/4 inch. Again, don't quote me because I'm not a tank builder. ;) If I were you, I'd shoot a PM over to 'Acryrlics'. He IS a tank builder and all around great guy. He helped me a lot with all of my acrylic questions. OR, you can post your question in this thread:
1/2" no way, at 30" tall 3/4" minimum, the bow on 1/2" would be bad at that depth and length and would fail, is this going in your home? 300 gallons of saltwater will destroy your home almost to the point of not being liveable.
I'm a noob, but here is what I have learned so far:

A LFS attempted to build me a eurobraced 96x24x30 with 1/2" thick glass, and when they did their water stress tests the silicon would become too white for comfort. They added a middle, left, and right cross braces but still weren't sure that it would stand the test of time. I then went to Miracles who said right away that with my dims, the tank must be 3/4" thick. And now my tank is being built (or rebuilt) and I will sleep fine at night once the tank is setup.