Addig Live Sand


New member
I'm in the process of moving, i would like to beef up my sand bed when i set the tank back up at the new location, i've read there could be a temporary Ammonia spike by doing this.My question is would it be enough of a spike to harm the fish& corals or should i just leave well enough alone.
If you want to add sand to an existing system you should use dry sand that has been rinsed really well..
"Live sand" often contains alot of "dead" decaying organic matter..
What he said ? I did that and the ammonia spike killed my flame hawm. And i think that ssnd also smothered my old sand and made it even worse.

So if you do add ssnd id mix it well with you old stuff so it doesnt just lay under it and kill the bb
Don't fall for the hype about live sand. The "live" part is not necessarily good live. It has a lot of dead in it. And the live part may not even be beneficial.

Leave well enough alone.
i agree with what everyone else said about "live" sand, and i would like to add that if you're moving, i would consider a brand new sand bed instead of migrating the old one.

you'd be shocked how much nasty stuff can accumulate in the sand over time.

i usually use all new, dry, sand when i start a new tank, then take a couple small scoops from the sand bed and toss them in to help seed it.
done with sand in the display tank.
I had a deep sand bed in a tank connected to my sump for a while that I took down b/c I need to reseal some areas, but vacuuming out the main tank on a regular basis is brutal