Old School Reefer
If you make your own calcium and alkalinity solutions, you've probably heard that ever since Jan 1, 2007, the Dow Chemical company has stopped extracting bromide from their calcium flakes (Dowflakes). Now while there is bromide in sea water, it is not known to what extent marine life or macroalgae extract it from sea water and use it. So daily additions of the new Dowflake solutions could potentially elevate bromide levels. Whether this happens or not is not known, or whether if it does happen and it is a reason for concern is another unknown. Not trying to arouse fear, just passing on some knowledge. (aka Bulk Reef Supply) in its wisdom bought up stockpiles of the pre-2007 Dowflakes and is currently selling it for $45 for 35 pounds. All the local pool companies that sell Dowflakes as a water hardener sell the more recent (high bromide) calcium, and frankly I wouldn't recommend the new stuff if you're adding daily calcium for an SPS tank like I am.
The good news: uses food grade hydrochloric acid to extract calcium from limestone, and the result is a low bromide product. I just ordered and received 50 pounds of the stuff, which should last me several years!
I still have some of the original Dowflakes from when I bought it two years ago, six gallons worth to be exact. If anyone wants it, I'll sell it at $2 per gallon.
If you'd like some of the Tetra calcium, I'll sell that for $7.50 for 10 pounds (you bring your own container). That much should make about 11 gallons worth!
As always, you can learn a lot about adding calcium and alkalinity from the Reef Chemistry forum on Reef Central!
Best fishes,
Neuro (aka Bulk Reef Supply) in its wisdom bought up stockpiles of the pre-2007 Dowflakes and is currently selling it for $45 for 35 pounds. All the local pool companies that sell Dowflakes as a water hardener sell the more recent (high bromide) calcium, and frankly I wouldn't recommend the new stuff if you're adding daily calcium for an SPS tank like I am.
The good news: uses food grade hydrochloric acid to extract calcium from limestone, and the result is a low bromide product. I just ordered and received 50 pounds of the stuff, which should last me several years!
I still have some of the original Dowflakes from when I bought it two years ago, six gallons worth to be exact. If anyone wants it, I'll sell it at $2 per gallon.
If you'd like some of the Tetra calcium, I'll sell that for $7.50 for 10 pounds (you bring your own container). That much should make about 11 gallons worth!
As always, you can learn a lot about adding calcium and alkalinity from the Reef Chemistry forum on Reef Central!
Best fishes,