Adding custom sensors to the existing sensor ports


New member
Howdy, I am currently on the verge of purchasing a Profilux Plus 2. One thing I have been trying to find out is whether its possible to add custom sensors, and program functionality for them using the programmable logic.

Theoretically any unused sensor ports (eg level or temperature) could be used with arbitrary sensors wired in to a 6pin mini DIN, as long as the sensor matches the control voltage and switching mode expected by the profilux.

Has anyone done something like this? Are there any specifications available for the wiring and voltages used by the sensor ports?

What other sensors would you wish to add to this? GHL supply the highest level of available sensors.

Here is the list

3 x Level sensors
Water temperature
Air temperature

And of course with the release of the ProfiLux III you can have infinate numbers in any combo to this.

All this is available now.

Hope that helps.
Some random things off the top of my head:

- LUX probe: warn when lights have dropped below threshold and need replacing.

- Touch sensor: Hook feeding pause into hood being opened.

- Ultrasonic water level sensor: More accurate/fail safe readings.

- Button/Control POT hookups: Custom control panel mounted into cabinet... eg i would love to have the feeding pause controlled by a slimline switch mounted on the front of my cabinet.

But other than those specific examples, the main point is there a billion and one possible things that people could come up with and easily retrofit with just the control voltage info and DIN wiring diagrams (two very small pieces of information) :)

This has been thought of, but sadly experience has shown that if retrofits info was provided it opens a huge can of worms and as proven before, warranty claims go through the roof, GHL can not provide appropriate software updates either for one off sensor uses.

For a manufacturer its all about balancing functionality with product stability. I do speak with experience on this one :(

However on a positive note dont be surprised to see some of the ideas put forward appear is genuine GHL items on the PIII :)
I cant see - Ultrasonic water level sensor in any ghl internet shop?

I cant see - Ultrasonic water level sensor in any ghl internet shop?

Some random things off the top of my head:

- LUX probe: warn when lights have dropped below threshold and need replacing.

- Touch sensor: Hook feeding pause into hood being opened.

- Ultrasonic water level sensor: More accurate/fail safe readings.

- Button/Control POT hookups: Custom control panel mounted into cabinet... eg i would love to have the feeding pause controlled by a slimline switch mounted on the front of my cabinet.

But other than those specific examples, the main point is there a billion and one possible things that people could come up with and easily retrofit with just the control voltage info and DIN wiring diagrams (two very small pieces of information) :)

I cant see
- Ultrasonic water level sensor
- Button/Control POT hookups
in any ghl internet shop?

BR Andrey