adding flow to a 220


New member
so i had to remove the overflows on my 220 and befor i put them back on i was playing with the idea of adding 1/2" bulkheads to the overflows about 1/2 was down the overflow that would be hooked up to a small pump like a MJ1200 or a sicce syncra2 to add flowto the mid level of the tank. the pump would be on the inside of the overflow and out of sight.

i'm looking for feedback on if this would be a good idea or not
if you don't think its a good idea please tell why
honestly a mj1200, one in each overflow, prolly wudnt do to much...yes its extra flow, always a bonus, but thats minimal movement in a tank of this size, you wudnt gain much...
What are you currently ruinning for pumps and powerheads? I love closed loop systems.but as previous.poster said, you.aren't going to get much benefit.from 1200s.
What are you currently ruinning for pumps and powerheads? I love closed loop systems.but as previous.poster said, you.aren't going to get much benefit.from 1200s.

i'm running 4 korelia4's 2 of the koreliaevos that replaced the k4 and 2 mj1200's

I'd say you won't get much. Throw a vortech on there. That will pump the water around nicely.

i wish i had the $ for vortech or tunzs.

i wasn't thinking that it would give me alot of flow i know it wouldn't for the size tank, i was just tinking if it would be an idea worth trying or not and looking for reasons it would be a bad idea

thanks for the help