Adding frag tank to current 220 gallon dt...


New member
Hello everyone...I need some help with laying out an idea...I want to add a rimless frag tank (60 gallon...48x24x12) to my display tank (220 gallon 72x24x30). I have an eshopps rs-300 sump with a reeflo hybrid dart pump (3600 gph at 0 head). Do I need to upgrade my sump to a larger size or add another sump (maybe a refugium 10 or 20 gallon) and pipe it in with my eshopps sump? I ask this because when I originally put my reeflo pump on my first chamber of my sump almost overflowed (while the pump was running). I was thinking about having the frag tank dump into the refugium and then pipe in the refugium directly into a "t" which would feed my reeflo pump (along with my eshopps sump). I am limited to space in my cabinet and only have a little room to work...the 220 is a marine land tank with the Monterrey stand and hood...if anybody can help me with the plumbing layout I would greatly appreciate it...I also have 3 reactors for carbon, phosphate reducer, and nitrate reducer....I also have a 1/3 rd h/p chiller which would need to be plumbed. The reeflo (after I installed it originally) has been taken out and I am now using two rio submersible pumps. My submersibles will not be enough to push all of that water, hence reinstalling the reeflo...I have two 3/4 inch returns to my dt and two 1 inch drains dumping in my eshopps sump right now....any help would be appreciated....and sorry for the long post as I am really confused at this point!!! :-9

Thx for any opinions and help
Why did your sump almost overflow when you put in the reeflo pump? Was it because it had displaced so much water?

...I am slightly confused.
2 tanks and a sump ?

simplest set up is 2 sections in sump. baffles at the middle.
both display tanks drain into first chamber of sump.
return pump is second chamber to both displays.

thats all,

your explanation is very confusing. if water in sump rises, water somewhere else must go down.