Adding more light or supplements


New member
Hey guys, I have always been a T5 kind of guy when it came to my beginner lps and soft coral reefs, but here in the last 3 or so months I got a metal halide fixture (for free I might add) :dance:.

Not the best reflector or anything but it's a Marineland HQI 150watt with 4 24" T5 ho as supplements. I decided to hang this fixture over my year and a half old 40 breeder that is intended on SPS only. (has only had sps after the metal halide install) Fixture is 8 inches above the water and I feel that I lose 3-4 inches on each side of tank. (no problem)

I know I am not getting the best coverage with only one 150 watt bulb, but I use the 4 "supplement" bulbs to help in getting a little more color. T5 are Red Sea bulbs that I do intend on changing to Ati as soon as I find a LFS that carries them anymore if not I'll order them off the interweb.

Bulbs: Blue white, Wave Point Reef Wave :sad2: (kind of embarrassed about that bulb), Reef spec Pink, Actinic. MH Bulb: Phoenix 14000k

AAANY WAY, I just recently got a low grade name brand T5 retrofit kit 2 24", that I also got for free brand new in the box. Man I love free. I would like to ask you fellas (and gals) if I should add the kit? should I leave as is, as long as there is good growth? Also If I do add, should I change all bulbs to supplemental actinics and coral+ and have them as dusk and dawn? Or should I do the last question and leave them on even during metal halide hours?

Please leave opinions, info, experiences, links for me to read. Very open minded person here trying to make friends.

Thanks you for reading!

Ok thanks for being patient with me. Now that I have learned how to post, I'll take some FTS and the current fixture I'm running as well as the retrofit kit that I received.

Is there any other photo requests that will help?
Thanks for passing by the thread!
I'm not sure I can answer but I'd like to see the setup. I've been all LED for a while but I just purchased two cheap 150 watt Halide pendants that I'd like to use along with my LED's so I'm looking for creative ideas ... how others did it, etc.

My limitation is that whatever I do has to look nice without a hood. :)
Ok, I'm working on getting them up now before work. I just snapped some quick pics while the t5 are on only. It looks a bit pink/violet but it blends well with the 14000k Phoenix (looks like 20000k)
Will post retrofit kit after work or tomorrow sorry about the time frame.

please enjoy the few pics.

thanks, Tilo