Adrian and I Frantically Testing Water

anything to help the thing about nanos and small ones like you have when they go bad they go bad fast. not much room to play there as witha large tank. large tanks are more forgiving . as for being able to catch problems and fix them before they get to bad.
And I realized that when I started this. I promise I will not give up, because of this. I'll restart at whatever point I have to restart at, get it rebuilt, and then there's that 55 to work on. I am NOT giving up on my SW dream. How could I, with so many people like you out there to help . You wouldn't realize this, but about three years ago, and I would be blaming every little thing on myself, I would have found a MIILLION reasons this was MY fault, but because of a lot of events, in addition to a lot of pre-research and ongoing research into my reef, I'm not doing that. Did I make a mistake somewhere, sure, probably lots of them, that had little effect. Did I cause "this", most likely not, but if I did I accept the blame, learn the lesson, and move on from here. So sorry, guys, you're STUCK with me. :P
lol trish
we all make mistakes even pros have tanks that crash .
its good not to give up
the only thing i can say about this time for you is maybe you did to much to fast.
and if you are able to save the rest of your corals and stuff then all the better .

and yeah as jay asked whats the temp?
Ammonia spiked at .5, BUT it was zero last night, so am I right in thinking it's probably because we've had dying animals adding to it all day, and only able to get them out as we notice them?
ok the ph is a problem for the inverts for sure
and yes the diesing animals will cause the ammonia to go up.
so a water change is needed but need to make sure the gravity is right in the change water. and sence you dont know if the hydrometer is right then that will be hard to do .
you buffer might be off also sence your ph has droped.
so your alk is most likely off also.
I'm taking the hydrometer to KR tomorrow to have it checked, and will also buy a refractometor. What else should I do? I have 8 gallons of new (last weekend) SW, so if advised can do a total change. What else should I do this weekend? Please help me work out a reasonable checklist if anyone has a chance. :) Zann, you get a special ribbon for REALLY sticking by me. I might have to make that long trek to Southaven to take ya to lunch. :) Actually I think I owe a lot of you lunches, and they will be given.

This would include a get while you're at KRs or elsewhere tomorrow list. :) I can see me stealing away in a quiet office to sneak on to RC during work tomorrow to work out my shopping list, and to do list. :mixed:
More results:

pH : 7.8
NH3: .50
NO2: .25
NO3: 5.0

Now remember I don't know what these were last night. Last night I just did a typical Nitrite, Nitrate, Ammon, Salin. check.

Those results for tonight are coming. Those were NORMAL LAST night.

I do apologize that I'll be going to bed as soon as Adrian's done with he rest of the tests, but will be checking in tomorrow, before I skip outta work early to get necessities to get my water back in shape.

First specific question: Can I get a "easy" lesson on pH and ...never mind. I have plenty of books here, and you've all have gone way above and beyond call of duty.
dont do a full water change just a 4 gal that should help witht he ph
and when you are at kermits ask him about doseing your tank with a two part this will keep your ph and calicum and other things in check .
most people dont do it in a nano but if your corals are taking in more then your water changes gives them then your levels will go down.
i went to and got the small package to do mine. it cost me 30 dolars for the the mix and the two one gal bottles with the pumps . nat a bad deal the mix is only 9 dollars i think.
i know jay gets his in town from home depo i think but he uses alot more.
but i know kermits has a two part there in the shop.
either that or you will have to move your water changes up to twice a week .
but doesing is easy to do and doesnt take but a min to do .
but if you go to twopart solution you can call them and ask or email them .
Ok, Thanks Zann. 4 Gallon Change and two part dosing from KR. I'll print out the thread and highlight tomorrow before I go. Right now I'm in bed, fighting migraine, and enjoying my trip on Dilaudid. Wheee...if I wasn't worried about DH and Aquarium it would be more fun, but I do have two of the three greyhound (the females of course) curled up with me. :) That goes a long way.

This is for everyone.
I think instead of 1 4 gal change I would do around 3 gal then do another 3 gal in a couple of days. Put some carbon in a back chamber if you dont have any back there. Stop dosing iodine. I have heard that can cause problems even if you are testing for it. You weekly water changes should cover it. I dose Kent CB in my nano daily to keep Cal and Alk up. If you have a fresh water air pump you might stick the hose in just to increase oxygen. Is it possible the power went off for a while over night?
Ok, got spare Charcoal pouches for the Cube. I've only used the iodine twice in a couple drops, but will toss it.

Ok, Kent CB. Got it. As far as I know, no indication of a power outage. Nothing flashing,etc.

I HAVE to sleep now. I'll update everyone tomorrow.

Thank you again everyone