advice for 300 gal. stock tank


Premium Member
I have decided to go with a 300 gallon stock tank as look down display tank I want run a good skimmer( bubble king,deltec )and don't want it above or even with the tank basically not seen was thing of setting up a sump next to the stock tank and running it that way drilling bulkheads up near the top of the stock tank to drain in to the sump will this work? I already have a 40 breeder sump is this good big enough?

any other ideas would be welcome

thanks Bryan
Do you have pics or a drawing of what you are thinking about?

Also what is a stock tank?

Do you mean like a livestock watering tank?

A 40 gal sump is not big enough for a 300 gal tank.

I would go at least 60 , what do you plan on putting in the tank?

My sump for my 340 is 100 gallons.... As long as you have enough room in the sump when the power goes off and reverse syphons you should be okay.
I used the sump calculator and it shows 37.6 gallons is that the actual sump size or do I need more volume for power outage?

the drains and returns will be plumbed close to the surface....