advice on LFS


Active member
Hello Fellow reefers,
I am looking for some advice on some good LFS in the kissimee area. We will be driving down from Wi to go to Disney and was wondering if there were any good places to catch on the way home. Anything with good corals would be interesting.
You might want to try the ORCA message board. FMAS members are generally located about 4 hours from Kissimee.
Everyone speaks highly of Sea in the City in Orlando. I would suggest checking it out, however it probably isn't right in the disney area, but certainly within 30 minutes driving distance.,+FL+&daddr=441+Gaston+Foster+Road+(Sea+In+The+City)+%4028.537624,-81.325010&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=32.748002,59.765625&ie=UTF8&om=1&ll=28.472313,-81.410751&spn=0.283689,0.466919&z=11

That's directions from Lake Buena Vista (Disney Area) to Sea in the City.
Thanks for all the advice. We will have a car, so driving somewhere will not be a problem. Does anyone know the hours for sea in the city? Do they have a website?