Advice on PH Placement


New member
OK here is the situsation... I have a 36"wx36"lx27"h reef tank with a corner overflow. I currently have a nano wavebox and 2 Korilla 4 PH's. I will be switching out the 2 K4's for 2 6105's and either a 7095 or 7096 controller for the 2 6105's and the wavebox to run together. I am hoping that someone can help determine where to place the 6105's. I would like to keep the wavebox where it is currently because as it sits the wavebox throws a wave diagonally accross the tank so it does not affect the overflow. Here is a picture of my tank and corals. There is lots of open water behind each of the rock towers. I am basically trying to keep my SPS on the top of the tank and LPS and softies on the bottom. Any advice would be appriciated.


I would definitely run the 6105's on the 12V setting and you might try just one before you add a second. They are pretty strong for this size tank, but it is a tough call because I don't think 2 6055's will be enough.
I am going to go with the 6105's but where would be the best placement do you think given the current setup?
One in the back left corner and one in the front right corner near the wavebox, aim them at each other and alternate which one is running every 3-6 hours.
Well I went out today and purchased the 2 6105's and the 7095 controller.... Pretty stoked about this.. I put the powerheads in the tank where you suggested and hooked everything up to the controller and started everything up...... No juice from one of the powerheads. I think it is doa........ I tried switching the power cords around and nothing... also tried without the controller and nothing....the other one works great. Back to the retailer in the morning.
It could just be jammed by packing material or have a loose contact to the power supply. The pump will automatically shut down if there is an obstruction. The above two scenarios are more common because the pumps are all pretested before shipping.
The loose contact to the power supply seems more probable because last night I was getting power to it off and on in different intervals and then it stopped all together. Any advice on how to remedy this or should I just return it to the retailer?