Advice on Return Pump & UV sterilzer


New member
Last week, I spent a few hours at Kermit's with Drowzee and Larson. After picking their brains, I have been motivated to attack my "water flow" problem again. I am looking into replacing my Iwaki 20 RLXT return pumps (max head 8.2 ft) due to minimal flow. After we looked at several brands of pressure rated pumps, I am looking at the Blueline PCX 40 or HD 40 (difference?). Are any of you running this pump and if so, how happy are you with it?

I also have proven to be an excellent cultivator of hair algea! If anyone needs any, you can have it... free. Just kidding..., but I am also looking into UV sterilizers and an external filter (cannister vs. reactor). Any additional testimonials on the Aqua UV 25W or 40W?

I am confident with the advice of Roy and Chris but also wanted to know what you guys/gals have experienced?

I've got a new Poseidon PS3, which I gather is the same as the Blueline Velocity T3. It can pump with a max head of 28 feet, and at 3 feet it pumps out 800 gal/hour. There's another model (T4) that pumps 50% more. Anyway, it is silent... no, I didn't say it was quiet... it is silent! I'm so impressed.

I think I would try ozone before trying UV.
Ozone tutorial!

Ozone tutorial!

You mentioned this to me before (when I picked the frog spawn coral that is now HUGE!). Can you give me the dummied-down version on ozone? Can I do it and not kill my family? (This coming from someone who has flooded the laundry room >5 times! Hey, my laundry floor is likely the cleanist in the house!). Set-up cost, maintenance, and testing issues, etc..... I am willing to do just about anything to get rid of my nice healthy hair algea before it becomes unbearable!