advice on zoa pics


New member
Hi all.

Before i start just want to say that the tank of the month is just amazing, check it out if you already have not. Anyway, I have been giving zoanthid propogation a thought for a long time now and decided to go ahead with it.

I have currently got a friend of mine setting up a web site for me which will be a WYSIWYG site (this will be strictly a fun and not profit venture). I have recieved my custom made propogation trough which has been made to fit snuggly in my cuboard under the stairs. All the necessary pipe work and sump etc is up and running now and i have got my first batch of stock from my main display tank ready to placed on my site. Now i have them under 20k MH lighting and was wondering if this is a good light to use. Im saying this as i have read on a few threads that taking photos under such lighting is just boosting the actual apperance of the coral.

I have always used 20k lighting with great success but hearing of people saying these things i was wondering if i would be basically false advertising. Any one with any advice please feel free to let me know if im wrong or right.

Using 20k lighting will bring the colors out in your coral. Just make sure that you post that your corals are under 20k Halides and they may appear different in your tank depending on lighting. Coral Nuts gave me some great tips on taking pictures on one of my threads let me see if i can find it. ben
Thanks for that Ben i just checked that thread out and it is alot of help. You can really see your pictures improving throughout that thread.

Good luck on the coral prop project. If you plan on having a site for selling zoas, the mods around here will probably consider you a commercial venture.... If it's just for fun and not a for profit venture have you thought about just selling them here on RC and not setting up the site. Just some food for though for you....