Advise about dosing


Active member
Hi guys,

I have been dosing Reef Trace and Reef Plus, but I have noticed that my calcium, ALK and MAG have dropped more than I want them to, even with water changes.

I have plenty of LPS and soft corals. I also have a few SPS corals that have been growing like crazy and I think that is why they are using so much calcium and ALK.

My question is, if I was to switch from the trace and plus dosing to just 2 part, am I going to miss some stuff that I should have?

What are your recommendations?

My tank is only 36gl, but I do have plenty of corals crammed in the tank and they are growing pretty good.

This is a recent FTS.

Assuming you have a normal water change schedule you don't really need to worry about replacing trace elements.
Like I mentioned above. I do weekly water changes, but after just a few days, the calcium and ALK have gone down below acceptable levels. I do have a lot of high demand corals and I think they are using way too much calcium, ALK and Mag.

I'm looking for recommendations from others here that dose their tanks with 2 part for their feedback on how they do it and it they dose anything else other than 2 part to supplement the needed elements.
I dose 3 part as well as normal water changes. I use BRS Ca and ALK and ESV Mag currently. FAOIS has bulk ESV of Ca and Alk (not sure about Mg). Try and get your levels consistent for sure.
I wonder if trace elements act similar to acropower? I saw my levels drop when I dosed acropower because it supercharged my growth. I noticed it and I'm running a big calcium reactor, so it upped my demand substantially.
Awesome advise guys. I like the simplicity of Kalk with my ATO. I may go that route. I will do a few water changes to get everything up to levels and then start Kalk. Thanks again for your help and direction.