AEFW .. Here we go

This little guy I glued sideways right before dipping and he toughed it out and is really taking off now that I can leave him alone
I used melafix marine and they didn't stand a chance.

I tried everything else, and they were there for weeks. 3 weeks melafix marine twice a week and done
Awesome news both of you! Glad it worked out, just keep your eyes open. Now you know how to deal with them so collecting should be a lot more fun. :).
Reel north I am glad the melafix worked well for you. It's a great dip for aefw for sure.
AEFWs are the core of sorrow. I wish there can be a drug invented in the near future.

Try melafix marine. Honestly. Kills EVERYTHING. I dipped a small piece of monti cap I bought, and 9 or 10 nudis came off. DEAD.

tossed the frag though lol

The key to beating them is 2 X weekly dips, 3-4 days apart.