AEFW .. Here we go

Has anyone had a problem with shortcake's bleaching after using bayer? I usually use 8 ml bayer per cup for 10 min. This has happened to me 2 times.
Not my shortcake, but my jf fox flame got lighter after yesterday's dip and Kings looks like maybe my red dragon also
I had one brown out but it should recover. Some corals handle the dip others don't trial and error. Wish there was a list somewhere which corals do well with which dips. I use bayer on almost everything
Pulled one random frag out today after 4 dips and nothing came off. I'm going to pull a few more and see what I get.. Not seeing any bite marks on any other coral except the couple that had them and those look to be healing
nice, im due to do some inspections, been a few weeks since i had last seen any but better safe than sorry

inspected. came back clean. thank goodness i dont glue my frags onto massive rocks.
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I was due to dip again this week, so I'm doing all at this time. Not much falling off anything. I'll continue to dip till I see zilch on all frags
Feel like I'm finally starting to get ahead on them. I dipped yesterday and not seeing near as much come off 3 weeks in. I added a six line Friday and last night I think he started getting adjusted to the tank. He was swimming in between the frags looking to be picking, so I basted the frags and he got something. The aefw that come off in the dip are so tiny they are hard to identify what they are. All bite marks are healed.

This frag was tore up and is healed up nicely... I have some flatworm stop on the way to hopefully help my frags get more healthy

Colors are coming back around. My vivid rainbow is actually getting color around it's base. It's been brown for months

OK, last 2 dips i did I couldn't find a single one. How many more DiPS should I do to make sure they are gone for good?
How many weekly dips have you done total in a row? When were the last eggs found and removed? If you have not seen any worms for two weeks you could do two more dips to make sure there are no eggs that hatched, this way any newly hatched worms will be taken care of. But if you have no large colonies that could hide eggs and you are sure of the last time you found eggs was before two weeks ago you could do less. It's kind of all about how co doesn't you want to be that they are gone.
I haven't seen eggs for a while. I got tired of dipping 30 something frags and if I found eggs on lower end pieces I tossed them. If found some on my higher end pieces they was usually under the plug so cut the frag of the plug and remounted it to a fresh plug. This is about 11 weeks of dipping with it seeing any more since week 10.
I haven't seen eggs for a while. I got tired of dipping 30 something frags and if I found eggs on lower end pieces I tossed them. If found some on my higher end pieces they was usually under the plug so cut the frag of the plug and remounted it to a fresh plug. This is about 11 weeks of dipping with it seeing any more since week 10.

I dipped 150 some odd frags for 8 weeks. I have been pest free since. I am very critical of new coral. If in doubt toss it out.
I dipped 150 some odd frags for 8 weeks. I have been pest free since. I am very critical of new coral. If in doubt toss it out.

Same here. Dipped around 40 odd pieces for 3 months alost 2 years ago. Pest free since.
I just finished dipping over 100 frags and colonies. Tried revive and coral rx, and had some losses with lots of aefw left alive. Did 4 caps per gal of melafix marine. No coral losses, and aefw haven't been seen in 2x weekly dips for 3 weeks. I did a total of 8 weeks of dipping, with the last 4 weeks with melafix marine. Corals look great, and I moved 10 colonies back to my DT after tonight's dip and rinse. Wooohoooo.
It's been about a month now since I haven't dipped and been aefw free. 14 weeks of dipping took a toll on my coral but they are getting their mojo back. I see new Growth and better color everyday. At about 11 weeks into dipping I was hit with Dino's. I did the blackouts plus DinoX and finally won that battle for now. Here's a pic of recovering frags. They have a long way to go but getting there.
