after a major hiccup, some new pics


Active member
Sup guys,
I haven't posted in a while mainly because I couldn't stand to think about anything reef-related for a long time.
While i was away at the ohio swap last month, my brand new ( less than 2 month old) blueline hd-40 decided to randomly stop running on the coldest night of the month. I came home to a solid milky white tank that measured about 60 degrees on a thermometer. Amazingly the fish survived but I lost about half of my sps ( and they weren't bread & butter sps either!) The rest have been sent to good homes. I've decided to avoid sps for the time being since I'll probably be off to voice school as soon as I'm totally recovered from having my tonsils out. I'll populate the tank with a large collection of mini-maxi carpets, gorgonians, zoas, lps, the montis I can't get off the rocks, and a few softies while increasing my rare fish collection. I added a deep sand bed to dirty things up a bit and to give me a chance to try some garden eels later.

new fish

labouti- he's only been in about 2 weeks so I'm not getting attached to him just yet

the mini-maxi collection so far

giant aussie palys

poinsettias & a flamingo monti that lived
I posted before I read the whole thing I like pictures they distracted me. So that is why you did not want to talk about the swap when I asked. That really sucks that happened while you were away. :(
I'm sorry that happened Tony! You had some nice specimens. If you ever needed a frag of something let me know, I'd be glad to send some your way. :)