after market probes


New member
I enquired with a local supplier into getting a few extra probes. They do not show GHL probes at all for sale (I know you can get them as you mention the in your catadog).

I was told buy our local supplier (do not want to name names) that any probe will be able to be used in any probe port as they are all the same connection.

I do not want to push the friendship at all with GHL and the use of "other Probes" so to speek.

As we are limimted on the local advice regarding GHL and profilux settings(do we even have one here for Australia) like the USA have here on this site, I just wanted to find out if the information was correct.

In regards to pH, you can use third party BUT and this is a big BUT, GHL pH probes are such high quality they will last way and above other probes we have tested, they also react faster.

Even with our own generic pH probes we supply with the "beginner" packs, we exepct people to upgrade to the GHL probe after 12 months.

As for redox and salinity, I would seriously stick with GHL, both these probes rely on platinum coating for accuracy and response times and the GHL probe uses very pure and dense layers of platinum. Yes they are more expensive but my understanding this is due to the high quality of the platinum used.

If you used third party redox and salinity probes, and then had queries on accuracy of the Profilux and the readings, you would get little support from the distributor, so my advise would be to stick with GHL
From my experince, ph probes supplied with beginner packages are not very good and reliable, they read a bit off in my experince and testing, I have not upgraded to GHL probe so I cannot speak for that, but I have pinpoint probe that I have been using with GHL controller that react much faster than the one supplied with beginner pack probe, and match very closely with my dedicated pinpoint PH monitor.
I have the exact opposite with them, until recently I used retail pinpoint probes, interesing how peoples experiences differ, showing how variable probes can be.

We have had the AQD probe manufactured for us now for over 5 years and other than slower (agreed) than more expensive probes to react to change, (minutes rather than seconds) they are pretty bullet proof. We did lots of test against pinpoint and found them very comparable.

But long term, always use the GHL pH probe they will last you way in excess of any other probe and will save you money long term without doubt, in fact I can go as far to say, in the years I have been distributing and previously retailing GHL pH probes, there are very little users that have even reported they have had to replace it, this is due to the very high quality ceramic membrane and gel (KCL) electrode.