Ok, I'm continually more impressed with the user interfaces for the AI Prime light. I think it's only a matter of time before AI releases a Prime 26 & 52, and does away with the Controller.
Here's a few things I've found recently that you may or may not have seen already.
After the latest IOS firmware update, I noticed an Acclimation menu. Now you can build a coral acclimation schedule to slowly ramp your light up to higher settings over a period of time (color channel independent, and all determined by you). I think this is a great addition.
Next, I recently started fiddling with the web interface. I was unsure if you could use both the web interface and the smartphone apps interchangeably, but it seems that you can, I haven't found any limitations on this yet.
On the web interface, I just found something REALLY cool, it allows you to select a color temp (Kelvin value) and desired intensity, and it sets the levels for you. I'm not sure exactly how accurate those settings are, but they must be better than a WAG, if you know what I mean!
Anyway, here's what it looks like on my laptop...
First, a disclaimer. I am not an expert, in fact I'm a newbie. I don't work in the pet/aquarium/light industry. These settings are from the programming for the Prime, which may share some similarities with the Hydra series, or, may not. These settings may nuke your whole house.
When I switch control to manual, there's a little semi bullseye icon next to the sliders. If I click on that, it takes me to a screen where I can select the desired color temp and intensity by using just two sliders (one for temp, one for intensity)! How cool is that?
Now, please pardon the poor quality photos ahead, these are cell phone shots of my laptop screen, so they look funky.
Here is the screen where you can select color temp and intensity:
Now, I'll show you the settings (set by AI) for a range of color temps from 10k to 20k, all were done at 50% intensity. Here you go:
Good luck!
Here's a few things I've found recently that you may or may not have seen already.
After the latest IOS firmware update, I noticed an Acclimation menu. Now you can build a coral acclimation schedule to slowly ramp your light up to higher settings over a period of time (color channel independent, and all determined by you). I think this is a great addition.
Next, I recently started fiddling with the web interface. I was unsure if you could use both the web interface and the smartphone apps interchangeably, but it seems that you can, I haven't found any limitations on this yet.
On the web interface, I just found something REALLY cool, it allows you to select a color temp (Kelvin value) and desired intensity, and it sets the levels for you. I'm not sure exactly how accurate those settings are, but they must be better than a WAG, if you know what I mean!
Anyway, here's what it looks like on my laptop...
First, a disclaimer. I am not an expert, in fact I'm a newbie. I don't work in the pet/aquarium/light industry. These settings are from the programming for the Prime, which may share some similarities with the Hydra series, or, may not. These settings may nuke your whole house.
When I switch control to manual, there's a little semi bullseye icon next to the sliders. If I click on that, it takes me to a screen where I can select the desired color temp and intensity by using just two sliders (one for temp, one for intensity)! How cool is that?
Now, please pardon the poor quality photos ahead, these are cell phone shots of my laptop screen, so they look funky.
Here is the screen where you can select color temp and intensity:

Now, I'll show you the settings (set by AI) for a range of color temps from 10k to 20k, all were done at 50% intensity. Here you go:





Good luck!