AI/Profilux control cable question


In Memoriam
So does the AI light module's control cable plug into the Profilux RS232 port? How then are we supposed to configure/manage via our computer using the RS232 port if it is being used by the light? Do we have to buy a WLAN or USB module? I'm obviously mixed up.
If you have the 2, then you have to buy the wlan or lan or usb module. If you have the 3 you do not need it. (I have a USB card available as I have upgraded.)
The Cable plugs into the RS232.

if you have aprofilux plus II you have three options

A) make the settings in the pc and then save them with the profilux connected via the RS232 then once set disconnect and attach the AI

B) use PLM-USB or PLM-LAN thus freeing up the RS232 port

C) Purchase PLM-RS232 expansion

If you have a profilux 3 then you have no issues as the P3 comes with all these options as standard.
OK, so I have a WLAN module on the Profilux Plus 2. I cannot utilize my existing whole house wireless modem because it is located on the second floor and my aquarium is located in our finished basement - antenna appears to be not powerful enough on the Profilux WLAN module to receive signal/connect up. I have an AI LED light module coming next week which will use the Plus 2's RS232 port, which I have been using to connect to my laptop. Can I just buy a cheap WLAN modem and place it at the Profilux controller, using it soley for communicating between my laptop and the Plus 2? This seems like it would be the best/cheapest answer since I don't want to go with a USB module or an additional RS232 module. Anyone else try this, did it work? It won't have to be setup with security since no internet cable will be attached. Then I can just choose which modem I want to connect to on my laptop.
Now you have lost me. What is the difference between: an existing whole house wireless cable router network that you can set up the profilux WLAN to be recognized by and then communicate with the profilux using a laptop which is also connected to that wireless network................ and a dedicated wireless router that is not connected to a cable modem but will only be used to have the laptop and profilux WLAN communcate wirelessly?
I already have a GHL PLM-WLAN card installed in my profilux plus 2 controller................................. What I want to do is use a seperate dedicated wireless router which will be located in my basement next to the tank and the profilux contoller - this will allow me to communicate wirelessly between my laptop and the profilux - thats it, nothing else. No cable modem, no internet, etc... Can this be done?
Ah, thank you boboxx. I wonder if it makes a difference whether the wireless router to be used is a cable or DSL version? It shouldn't I would imagine since it won't be hooked up or connected to any provider. I have a DSL router sitting around that I can use. Our whole house wireless is cable.
no, just as long as you can setup a broadcast a SSID and you can configure the security, ip/dhcp you will be fine
boboxx, thanks for the help here, I appreciate it - Michael said you are a wiz at this stuff. I'm wondering if the dedicated router needs to be able to communicate online for any reason? If so, that will prevent me from using the DSL router since we don't have any DSL setup in my house. It would also screw me up if a dedicated cable router needed to access the internet for any reason also. This is more complicated than it needs to be for me to talk to the profilux through my laptop wirelessly, at least for me. If the dedicated router would need to have internet access than I am sunk. I would have to trash this concept, sell my profilux WLAN card and go with the USB module I guess, hardwire connection when I need it.
no you dont need internet access, it will just create a private networq that you can use to communicate with the controler via the wireless. you can connect your computer to the internet to download the software updates and the firware and then return to the private network for connecting to the controler. it's the same as what you would normaly do except when you have a interetconnection there is a route entry in the host table that tell where the communication has to go... like internal or external on the internet.