I installed a VanEE 2001 Gold HRV. I ran separate intake ducts to the bathrooms, kitchen and fish room, and hooked up the fresh air line that comes out of the HRV to the cold air duct for the furnace.
The difference it makes is dramatic. I went from 75% humidity in the winter to 20-30% with the HRV. It works wonders! Tank aside I would never go without one of these in my house again. The house is just that much fresher year round.
No corrosion issues with the unit as it has a plastic air exchanger core. The unit is very quiet. It cost me around $1400 CDN for the unit and all the stuff needed.
It doesn't seem to affect the heating bill at all in the winter. In the summer I occasionally turn it off entirely if we have a REALLY hot day as I find the humid air it pulls into the house can make the A/C work overtime.
The main control is in the hallway near the tank; this has a humidistat that automatically ramps up the air exchange in relation to the general humidity in the house:
Each bathroom in the house has a vent that feeds the HRV.
There is also a push button to put the HRV on high for 20 minutes. This is SO much nicer than rattly bathroom fans.
A vent just in the kitchen helps ventilate the adjacent living room where the tank is:
There's also an air intake in the fish room to suck out the nastiest air.
The HRV itself hangs near the furnace in the basement:
This unit requires two 6" ducts to the outside spaced 6' apart. I had to cut holes in the foundation for this; messy work, but easy enough to do with the right rented tools: