"Alarming" Coral Reef Infection in Hawaii

CO2 Feeds trees. Its not the burning of fossil fuels that is to blame, its the removal of millions of trees with very little re-growth along will humans polluting our rivers and streams.
It's a combination of many variables/aspects ...

Chiefly excessive CO2 production, as well as chemical/biological/synthetic waste production, matched with equally excessive deforestation/overfishing etc.

Our species has reached plague proportions. Consequently, weve become parasitic to the very Planet/Environment were crucially dependent upon.

It's an unfortunate truth, but a truism at that
CO2 Feeds trees. Its not the burning of fossil fuels that is to blame, its the removal of millions of trees with very little re-growth along will humans polluting our rivers and streams.

Another misconception spread by climate change deniers. CO2 does not "feed trees". A fully grown tree produces the same amount of CO2 at night (when there is no light for photosynthesis) as it absorbs during the day, making the net CO2 absorption zero. The main cause of increased CO2 is the burning of fossil fuels.
yea the earth goes in warming and cooling cycles but we dont need to help it along with greenhouse gasses and other forms of pollution.
according to my professor at a Big Ten college, coral reefs globally have gone extinct four times and have rebounded after every time...
While reefs of the past have continually evolved and diversified, producing many different species/ecologies, the historical changes have never been as drasticly quick as is now evident ... Essentially, many species cannot evolve/compensate quickly enough to keep up with those/these changes !

Once a species goes extinct that's the end of that species, forever. Period
I just think its incredible that there are still people in denial that we are the cause of this rapid climate change. Even most long time skeptics in the scientific community now agree.
Very Sad the earth is not like our tanks cant do a water change and fix problem we as a whole need to stop dumping chemicals in water ways or runoff from business every drop counts
to clarify: I know that an extinct specie cannot rebound...rather, the reef ecosystem rebounded with the ability to survive and thrive in its new set of circumstances...