Albuquerque Aquarium tour!!

Awsome pics Beerguy, What kind of camera are you using?

I was using a Canon 5D. I do nature photography professionally so I have a whole bag full of L lenses but yesterday was just using my 50mm f/1.8. It's a great little lens and it's inexpensive. On a full-frame camera, like the 5D, it gives a field of view roughly the same as the human eye. In film days, the 50mm was often referred to as a "normal lens" because of that. I like using it because it's fairly fast, it's compact and since it has no zoom it forces me to be more creative.

Is this the "nifty fifty" with the plastic lens? Pretty sure I have one that has been collecting dust :(
It doesnt have plastic optics but it's certainly got a consumer feel to it. It's sharp as heck, however, and has great bokeh.



I like your pictures Doug. I need a lot more practice before mine look as good as yours. I couldn't get a good picture of the fish that moved a lot. I didn't use flash and I tried to use a slower shutter speed. The color was good but then it would blur the fish. If I used a faster shutter speed the pics were a little too dark. I should have messed with the ISO but didn't think of it at the time. That's why I need more practice.
Don't beat yourself up. I think you did just fine with the gear you had. Since I was using my 50, I had several more stops of light available.

So tentatively for july due to STARS group coming out for a tour ...I have not heard from them so IDK for sure..Ill keep u posted though!!